Eco-Office Gals offers premium ad space in the side bar for your green business. Your web button will be viewed by an average of 4,000 – 6,000+ unique visitors every month, 365 visits per day, and 1,625 page views per day.
The site has a PR4 and Alexa Rank of 238,837. Our Twitter page has 5,050+ followers, 498+ FaceBook fans and delivered to 400+ RSS readers and inbox subscription.
EOG’s rates are as follows (we offer a 10% discount for 6 months up front)
Banner Ads
The cost of a 125×125 web button is $20/per month or $108 for 6 months up front.
The cost of a 250×250 web button is $40/per month or $216 for 6 months up front.
The cost of one banner ad on a specific non-sponsored post is available for a $50 annual fee.
Text Link Ads
Text Links may be available for non-sponsored posts. Please contact Eco-Office Gals to discuss availability of the post you would like to ad your link to. Text Link Ads incur a $50 annual fee and will be set up via paypal subscription.
Post Banner Ads and Links
Run your ad on all posts and feeds each month. Your banner ad or text ad will be added to the bottom of each post published in the month, it will additionally show up in RSS readers and email subscriptions
The cost of a 468×60 web button or text ad on the bottom of all posts published for 1 month is $50 per month
Eco-Office Gals also offers Sponsored Posts, Giveaways and Product Reviews for your Green Business. If interested in a sponsored post or Giveaway/Review please see our Sponsored Post Guidelines.
This price is subject to change as stats increase.
Blogroll links are hand picked by me, no one pays for this spot, it is given to bloggers I read and look up to. You can recommend your blog for a blogroll link, but it is exclusive and personal so don’t feel insulted if you don’t make it on the list. 😉
All Ads must be relevant to the scope of Eco-Office Gals. Any rejection is not a reflection of your business, but rather how your business does or does not fit into the purpose of Eco-Office Gals.
Contact Eco-Office Gals if you are interested in an ad space!