This morning I was reading The Good Human’s post Your Contract With Life On Earth and I started to think of the contracts we sign when we rent an apartment, house, office space, equipment, etc.
We sign these contracts promising to care properly for someone’s property, right? I really appreciated the post since it made me look at this scenario on the larger scale of Earth. The Earth is the property of every person and every generation. When our lease is up shouldn’t we let the next person move into a clean and presentable earth?
Wouldn’t you be pretty ticked off if, on moving day, you found out the last tenants left heaps of trash & filth for you to deal with? What if the last tenants were your own parents? Yah, the ones that made you go clean your room all the time growing up. Furthermore, if they had left the place nice and clean for you to move into, wouldn’t you be more apt to do the same for the next person moving in?
This isn’t some unique thought I came up with. But it was a fresh perspective for me and I wanted to jot it down. Thanks to The Good Human!
Go Green!
This is an excellent post to share with. I never thought in this way before though I do care for our mother Earth. I am going to share this with all of my friends. Thanks. – Mike
.-= Mike´s last blog ..Science and it’s quirks =-.
This is an excellent post to share with. I never thought in this way before though I do care for our mother Earth. I am going to share this with all of my friends. Thanks. – Mike
.-= Mike´s last blog ..Science and it’s quirks =-.