What happens when you wait until the last minute to do your monthly update post? When you do it 2 days after Trick or Treating? The extensive door to door trek you make with the family does move the scale one bit – that’s what! Nothing new to report, I am at the identical weight I was last month 196.2 holding steady. This doesn’t make for much motivation on my part. While I’m down, why don’t I give myself a few kicks? I’m officially out of meal bars and the holidays are always tough on my weight issue. I’m not feeling very hopeful these days and it’s reflective in my lack of posting.
I won’t give up on Cinch, I won’t give up on me! I may not have moved down, but I didn’t move up either. Shake is blended – breakfast is served.
Just because my journey has lost some steam, doesn’t mean others on the team aren’t inspiring as can be! Check out what’s shrinking with the other #Cinchspiration Bloggers at the link below!
All you can do is hold steady and keep trying! I know you can do it!