You’ve heard it all; the commercials, the news, the debates, late night & SNL. We all have our opinions and we all know what they say about opinions. All that said, here’s the reality: If you don’t get out there and vote your opionion… it doesn’t count! Don’t assume your canidate has the landslide or the other canidate doesn’t stand a chance, you’re vote counts! Be heard! ‘Nuff said! Jen – Eco-Office Gals
And please submit a real vote! Don;t just write down a name that is not even running, tha tis the same as wasting your vote.
Let’s make history!
Zaidat´s last blog post..My daily dose of fact check
And please submit a real vote! Don;t just write down a name that is not even running, tha tis the same as wasting your vote.
Let’s make history!
Zaidat´s last blog post..My daily dose of fact check
true, true. i’m not really one to tell other people who to vote for. but whatever happens, it’ll be a historic vote. and it would be a shame to miss out on it, i think. it could very well be a turning point in the direction the united states will take, at least for the next few years.
kouji´s last blog power battery chargers, in general
true, true. i’m not really one to tell other people who to vote for. but whatever happens, it’ll be a historic vote. and it would be a shame to miss out on it, i think. it could very well be a turning point in the direction the united states will take, at least for the next few years.
kouji´s last blog power battery chargers, in general