Morning Everyone! Eco-Office Gals is about growing your business green. So, when your small business is home based and your home is a really big recycling project I thought I would share!
My Eco-Office Gals friends & family may or may not know that I am taking on the ultimate recycling project right now in my personal life. We have had a “free’ 1980’s mobile home moved on our 3.16 acres of land and we are gutting it and renovating. I have salvaged what I can, cabinets, did a face lift on medicine cabinets, deck wood was taken down and we are reusing it for the new decks. We have recycled all metal to the scrap yard and got some great deals on some really nice lightly used appliances and furniture. Some things we had to go new, flooring, bathroom vanities, toilets, tubs, etc. I can’t wait to post before and after in a few weeks. I have before pictures now, but I won’t dare show them alone you’d be horrified!!
It has been a very time consuming, slow going and stressful experience, but I look forward to the end result. The septic cannot be put in right now due to unpredictable TS Fay, we need to be in the dry for so many days before digging can commence. We were told by CSR’s at the electric
company that the first 150 feet of line is free… the engineer informed us we were lied to! YEAH!! My one liner these days is “the people I have paid can’t come out, the people I need to come out I can’t afford to pay!” UGH!
My husband & I are about to take each other out! We have found levels of stress we never knew existed! He did just call and apologize for being a complete shhht the last month and he is not one to apologize for much, so I can appreciate it!
So, just letting everyone know I’m still going green, You may be hearing less from me the last few weeks, but that doesn’t mean I’m not here, so if your ready to grow your business green come take your first steps! And be sure to sign up for the Eco-Office Gals Updates and enter in
for the August giveaway, read the post below for details!
I’m always reading, just not responding as much as would like these days! I’ll check in soon!
All the best,
@anitackaiser you could say that details
You are just too incredible for words. I’ve been there, done that, so my heart goes out to you. Get some much needed rest. CarolynP.S. You write a really terrific article. I need to learn from you!
You are just too incredible for words. I’ve been there, done that, so my heart goes out to you. Get some much needed rest. Carolyn
P.S. You write a really terrific article. I need to learn from you!