Let’s get this party started!
Earth Day (Month) is approaching and Eco-Office Gals wants to get as many people as possible on board to grow a little greener. If you’ve been wanting to, trying to, thinking about growing a little greener there’s no better time to do it then now! We don’t want to make you go it alone either. We have once again reached out to our great green cyberspace friends to bring you green products to Green Your World!
Last year Eco-Office Gals Green My World Giveaway was a HUGE hit and we will give it a go again!!
Today, we’ll just get things started. We’ll give you a chance to check out a few of the initial sponsors and a peek at the prizes coming in, look around their sites and get your creative green juices flowing. So, lets get started!
Welcome all our Earth Day Giveaway Sponsors for 2010 and their generous donations to Green Your World (I will be adding to the list throughout the coming weeks!):
- EcoStore USA – Gift basket with 10 products
- Affordable Mineral Make Up – $25 Gift Certificate
- Naked Binder – Set of 9 project binders (one of all colors)
- Ely Organics – $25 eGift Certificate
- BuyGreen.com – $50 Gift Certificate
- Watercheck.biz – Niagara Conservation XSWEK07 Indoor Water Conservation EcoKit
- Kir DeVries – $25 Gift Certificate
- Ecominders – Ecominders Gift Bag – A reusable tote with packages of all 3 Ecominders product lines – Home, Office and Kids & Schools, along with organic cotton adult & children’s Ecominders t-shirts
- Barefoot Books – One World, One Planet Gift Collection
- weeBgreen – 1 kidzsack
- Project GLO – very adorably wrap 3 sets of 5 pens made from biodegradable cardboard and corn plastic!
- Cactus & Ivy – Body Souffle
- Sarva Soap – $25 gift certificate plus 15% coupon off first purchase
- Intention Kits – 1 Intention Kit made on Recycled Paper
- Natural Luxe – $25 eGift Certificate
- HappyFamily Organics – 2 free trials for each product line, 2 free trails for YB Meals, FAQ Guide on organics, HappyFamily Nutrition Guide, HappyFamily Recipes, HappyBaby’s new book “Our Organic guide to the first 24 months
This list is growing by the day sooo… here’s the deal, one person will win it ALL! Put your green recycled thinking caps on since you will need to do a little work! You need to green up your act! Absolutely, no “Thanks for the great giveaway” comments, they WILL be deleted. DO NOT copy and paste someone’s comment as your own, be original. You can enter as many times as you’d like as long as you follow one of the options below. For shipping purposes – US residents only, please. Contest will end April 22nd Earth Day, at 12 noon (EST). One winner will be picked to win the whole thing! This will not be a random drawing, rather the person that really seems to put some effort towards making a difference in their life will be given the chance to make their changes with there great products!
- Pick a green step that will help the environment. Something new, that you are not already doing. Leave a comment about it, or if you post about it on your own blog, provide a link in your comment so we can check it out!
- Leave a comment about any progress and achievements in your green goals, too. Let us know how it’s going!
- Leave a unique tip to be green, chemical free, etc
- Visit the sponsors and let us know how one of their products could help your green up your act. Leave a link to the product so we can all check it out.
- Send out a tweet about the giveaway & consider using the #earthtweet hashtag – be sure to include a link to it.
- Use other Social Networking avenues to get the word out about the giveaway and let us know which ones you did.
- Add the giveaway button to your sidebar and let us know you did. Here’s the code:
<a href=”http://eco-officegals.com/2010/02/14/2nd-annual-green-my-world-earth-day-giveaway-2010/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://eco-officegals.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/earthday.png” border=”0″ alt=”Green My World”></a>
- Think a product is so awesome on one of our sponsors sites, you can’t wait to win before you buy? Leave 5 separate entries telling us what you bought from who — we will confirm.
Be sure to sign up for Eco-Office Gals RSS by feed or email. I’ll be continuing to bring you information, tips and events from our sponsors and may just throw in a few extra ways to enter as we go along!
Sooooo…. although this years giveaway received 1229 visit I only recieved 163 entries into the giveaway. You would think this would make picking a winner easier right? NO! There were some wonderful comments left by many of you on how you are going green and how you hope to make a lighter impact on the earth in the future. Many of you also did a wonderful job tweeting and sharing to spread the word about this giveaway and all of it’s great sponsors. So, it wasn’t easy to hand pick a winner at all! However as I continued to read through the comments one person started to shine through with their great efforts already in place, their acknowledged need for improvement, helpful tips, genuine thoughts and aspirations for their continued green efforts in the future. So, the winner has been picked!
Ginny – Congrats we are going to Green your world!! Check out her comments:
- So, I am sure this is just the start of my greening and trying to do extra things and “think out of the box”, but I have been very conscious of the chemicals in my products for awhile, but it sometimes seems really hard to really keep on top of it. So, I am going to be creating some of my own skin care products. I bought a book with some recipes and I am buying bottles and organic essential oils so that they are really pure. The bottles are glass so that there is no BPA in them for me or my family. For me going green and being healthy are one and the same. I also have subscriptions to some magazines. I usually recycle them as soon as I am done, but I have some friends who are interested in reading, so we are going to trade between the three of us, all I ask is that they give them back if they have no intention of recycling or that they recycle them when they are done. I am going to start paying more attention to packaging as well. I have noticed that there are some products which cannot be recycled in my area, so I am going to try to make an effort to pay attention to the plastic that is in the packaging, etc. so that it doesn’t go in the trash, it can be recycled.
- So, in addition to what I previously posted I am going to buy a Barnes and Noble Nook…. I am an avid reader and I can save a lot of trees if I go that route. I am also going to take some of my old books that I don’t want to the local thrift store. I need to buy some new clothes because I lost some weight too… I still have more to lose so I don’t want to revamp my whole wardrobe so I will buy some clothes at a consignment shop to get me through. There are new clothes there sometimes and some really good stuff for way cheaper than buying it brand new! And when I lose the weight I want to buy clothes that are organic and made of natural fabrics. This might sound kind of gross too… but I know they make things like the Diva Cup and reusable ladies products, so I have been looking into those options. I am counting the days to the farmer’s market as well so I can buy local, fresh produce. Showers are a hard one for me… I love my showers but I really need to conserve water, so I am trying to keep them to under 7 minutes… I will try to get down to 5 minutes… baby steps right?
- Green Tip: Avoid products with Parabens in them! They are bad for you and your family and they wash down the drain when you use them in the bath!
- Green Tip: Don’t throw medicines/prescriptions in the toilet or down the sink, they contaminate the water supply. There is more information on what to do at fda.gov
- I am looking at getting a composter and rain barrels this year. I am seriously considering taking the local train to work this year, even though it is a 2 mile walk from the station to work, that will be fine. My husband and I have reduced our trash so much that we only have to put the trash bins out every 4-5 weeks, all the rest goes to recycle. I have also noticed that I have been looking more closely to the packaging of food products that we buy… I am trying specifically to look for plastics that can be recycled. I used to buy a handful of organic products when I would shop, now I try to buy as much organic as I can. My mindset is changing I noted the other day because instead of thinking of how much it costs right now, I am thinking of the long term effect. I have also sworn off of aerosols…. even though I never liked the hairsprays that come in the spritzy type bottles, I will use them for the greater good (old habits are hard to break I guess). I am also not using the disposable break items at work anymore. I bought some bamboo utensils to use and a ceramic mug and we bought some glass containers to put our food in that needs to be heated so that we are not exposed to the chemicals in the plastic containers. Whew…. that was quite the novella.
- Green Tip: Eat locally grown foods and eat what is in season! It will reduce your carbon footprint.
- Oh! I forgot! I am really trying to eat more like a vegetarian. I am having mixed success so far, but I am working on eating lower on the food chain overall!
- I will be making bar soap for my hubby and I as well here in a couple of weeks.
- Well…. I watched the movie Food Inc. and man does that make me angry! I think that has been the best diet for me thus far! I am not going to support that kind of thing, that is horrible and we are slowly killing everyone! I subscribed to E magazine (the environmental magazine) and man does that have some good information. I sent in some information to volunteer for environmental data recovery to help for the future. Oh, and I finally hit my goal with the 7 minute shower! Now to move on to 5 minutes! I am really loving this green movement and I am finally fully immersed I think, after going into it gradually for the last couple of years I am at the point where it just makes me angry that we are subjected to the chemicals and such that we are subjected to and it washes into our water and pollutes and ugh!!! So mad…. but happy to that I feel I can make a difference.
- Oh, and my hubby and I are looking into getting solar panels… I don’t know if we can afford it yet, but it is definitely on our list of improvements to make along with replacing the old windows with more efficient ones.
I hope you will all take a bit to read all of the great comments shared by everyone and get inspired to make everyday Earth Day! Thank you all for your efforts! Congrats again Ginny!
And we have heard back from Ginny:
OMG Jennifer!!! I am so happy! This has really made my week you are so awesome! Wow, you really made my day with this one, I am so excited to try everything!!!
Use Vinegar in your wash to eliminate odor and soften your clothes, naturally.
Use Vinegar in your wash to eliminate odor and soften your clothes, naturally.
I am going to start this week eliminating paper towels. I use way too many and I can use cloth instead!
I am going to start this week eliminating paper towels. I use way too many and I can use cloth instead!
Turn used coffee grounds into treasure rocks:
Starbucks has a program that gives away their grounds for gardens…why not use them for this if you have a kid’s birthday party coming up?
Turn used coffee grounds into treasure rocks:
Starbucks has a program that gives away their grounds for gardens…why not use them for this if you have a kid’s birthday party coming up?
I am better about bringing my own bag when I shop since I started keeping extras in my car.
I am better about bringing my own bag when I shop since I started keeping extras in my car.
follow u on the twit and tweeted
follow u on the twit and tweeted
Watercheck.biz has a
Niagara Conservation XSWEK07 Indoor Water Conservation EcoKit …..this will help me conserve on water
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Watercheck.biz has a
Niagara Conservation XSWEK07 Indoor Water Conservation EcoKit …..this will help me conserve on water
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
EcoStore USA has a dishwashing liquid that would help me in the environment because it is Free of any synthetic chemicals
sibabe64 at ptd do tnet
EcoStore USA has a dishwashing liquid that would help me in the environment because it is Free of any synthetic chemicals
sibabe64 at ptd do tnet
Use vinegar in place of a lot of cleaners
Give my magazines to local companies such as doctors offices, mechanics so that people can read instead of recycling them.
Wash more things in cold water.
Use a rain barrel to water plants.
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Use vinegar in place of a lot of cleaners
Give my magazines to local companies such as doctors offices, mechanics so that people can read instead of recycling them.
Wash more things in cold water.
Use a rain barrel to water plants.
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
This year I focused on planting bee, butterfly and bird friendly flowers. In areas where I didn’t want to attach insects (like the garden,) i put in marigolds and pyrithrins. this was a fun challenge for my self.
This year I focused on planting bee, butterfly and bird friendly flowers. In areas where I didn’t want to attach insects (like the garden,) i put in marigolds and pyrithrins. this was a fun challenge for my self.
Going chemical free for cleaning is fun and time saving. Instead of chlorine-filled bleach chemical scrubs I’ve switched to health-food store brands. White Vinegar brightens up just about anything as well.
Going chemical free for cleaning is fun and time saving. Instead of chlorine-filled bleach chemical scrubs I’ve switched to health-food store brands. White Vinegar brightens up just about anything as well.
I’ve spent the past year making my garden a natural habitat- and just got it certified as a Natural Wildlife Habitat. I documented the things I did in a blog post that you can find here: http://bit.ly/duxP08 and challenged my readers to pick at least one area to concentrate on this year for Earth Day- with a long term goal of being certified by next Earth Day!
I’ve spent the past year making my garden a natural habitat- and just got it certified as a Natural Wildlife Habitat. I documented the things I did in a blog post that you can find here: http://bit.ly/duxP08 and challenged my readers to pick at least one area to concentrate on this year for Earth Day- with a long term goal of being certified by next Earth Day!
this year i am going to do an compost at my grandma’s house, so that we will be able to use the compost as soil so that we can make an greenhouse. I am going to switch from normal cleaners to green friendly cleaners to save the planet.
this year i am going to do an compost at my grandma’s house, so that we will be able to use the compost as soil so that we can make an greenhouse. I am going to switch from normal cleaners to green friendly cleaners to save the planet.
I tweeted about the contest. @thebathnook
I tweeted about the contest. @thebathnook
I plan to use more eco-friendly cleaners in my house! Thanks for the contest!
I’m teaching my kids to recycle and plant trees now so as they get older they can contiune to help the Earth’s environment. Our kids are the future!
.-= Dusty Warren´s last blog ..Sampler Bag Coming Soon! =-.
I plan to use more eco-friendly cleaners in my house! Thanks for the contest!
I’m teaching my kids to recycle and plant trees now so as they get older they can contiune to help the Earth’s environment. Our kids are the future!
.-= Dusty Warren´s last blog ..Sampler Bag Coming Soon! =-.
You can use white vinegar to clean your coffee pot. Just run some with water through a cycle. Be sure to run clean water after. An old fashion cleaner for copper is a mixture of salt and vinegar. It really shines copper.
You can use white vinegar to clean your coffee pot. Just run some with water through a cycle. Be sure to run clean water after. An old fashion cleaner for copper is a mixture of salt and vinegar. It really shines copper.
We plan to use more “green” cleaning products. Thanks!
We plan to use more “green” cleaning products. Thanks!
We are making a homemade rain barell We learned how at my daughters school they had a nature night and we will use it for the veggie garden and for my flowers
We are making a homemade rain barell We learned how at my daughters school they had a nature night and we will use it for the veggie garden and for my flowers
from buygreen.com i would love the compost bucket for when i do learn how to compost http://www.buygreen.com/biobagmaxairiicompostingbuckets.aspx
from buygreen.com i would love the compost bucket for when i do learn how to compost http://www.buygreen.com/biobagmaxairiicompostingbuckets.aspx
my tip is that i save all our used coffee grrounds in a bucket and put those in my garden
my tip is that i save all our used coffee grrounds in a bucket and put those in my garden
i already recycle but i would really love to learn how to compost because i have many garden it would surely benefit
i already recycle but i would really love to learn how to compost because i have many garden it would surely benefit
I started growing my own vegetables last summer but now I am thinking that this summer I should plant more and then teach myself to can or preserve them so we can use them in the winter too. This will save all the transportation fuels that go into store bought veggies.
I started growing my own vegetables last summer but now I am thinking that this summer I should plant more and then teach myself to can or preserve them so we can use them in the winter too. This will save all the transportation fuels that go into store bought veggies.
http://www.facebook.com/#!/smoaks?ref=profile i posted on facebook
tony l smoaks
http://www.facebook.com/#!/smoaks?ref=profile i posted on facebook
tony l smoaks
I’m going to start composting. It’s something that I keep saying I’m going to do but haven’t attempted it yet.
I’m going to start composting. It’s something that I keep saying I’m going to do but haven’t attempted it yet.
i tweeted http://twitter.com/fdp4life/status/12641728439
i tweeted http://twitter.com/fdp4life/status/12641728439
i use a ton of makeup and haven’t ever used any eco friendly makeup. i would love to start buying from http://www.affordablemineralmakeup.com/ they don’t use any chemicals!
i use a ton of makeup and haven’t ever used any eco friendly makeup. i would love to start buying from http://www.affordablemineralmakeup.com/ they don’t use any chemicals!
the ecostore USA Front Loader Laundry Powder
would be great, we use a ton of laundry soap and they all have bottles that aren’t good for the environment
the ecostore USA Front Loader Laundry Powder
would be great, we use a ton of laundry soap and they all have bottles that aren’t good for the environment
I started commuting to work with my mother each day during the week. We have an hour each way commute and we were burning a tank of gas each week in separate cars. Now we burn a tank of gas a week together in the same car.
I started commuting to work with my mother each day during the week. We have an hour each way commute and we were burning a tank of gas each week in separate cars. Now we burn a tank of gas a week together in the same car.
I’ve started buying from our local Amish Market what I can, also (even though I love it) don’t use bleach anymore when cleaning my counters etc..I am trying to research companies that are eco-friendly adn buy from them first.
.-= Becky´s last blog ..Long Time…No hear??? =-.
I’ve started buying from our local Amish Market what I can, also (even though I love it) don’t use bleach anymore when cleaning my counters etc..I am trying to research companies that are eco-friendly adn buy from them first.
.-= Becky´s last blog ..Long Time…No hear??? =-.
I asked our local Krogers to save their large pots that their flowers come in. They usually just toss them out. They are just the right size to plant tomatoes or other vegetables in.
Also, planting mint around your garden helps keep ants and other insects away.
I asked our local Krogers to save their large pots that their flowers come in. They usually just toss them out. They are just the right size to plant tomatoes or other vegetables in.
Also, planting mint around your garden helps keep ants and other insects away.
plant a tree ty.
plant a tree ty.
I’m growing more and more veggies, fruit and herbs. This year i’m going for more varieties of peppers such as cubanelle and melrose.
I’m growing more and more veggies, fruit and herbs. This year i’m going for more varieties of peppers such as cubanelle and melrose.
I tweeted.
.-= Auriette´s last blog ..Am I too critical? =-.
I tweeted.
.-= Auriette´s last blog ..Am I too critical? =-.
Apart from work, the destination we drive to most often is the grocery store, and there are three different stores all within approximately two miles from our home. As an alternative and more eco-friendly means of transportation in these instances, we are currently shopping for an electric bike. 😉
Apart from work, the destination we drive to most often is the grocery store, and there are three different stores all within approximately two miles from our home. As an alternative and more eco-friendly means of transportation in these instances, we are currently shopping for an electric bike. 😉
I always put the recyclables in the proper container to be picked up.
I always put the recyclables in the proper container to be picked up.
I’ve gotten most of my reusable totes from giveaways and always make sure that I have them in the trunk of my car for my shopping trips. Keep them by the door so you know to put them back in the car for the next trip.
I’ve gotten most of my reusable totes from giveaways and always make sure that I have them in the trunk of my car for my shopping trips. Keep them by the door so you know to put them back in the car for the next trip.
We put our water heater on a timer and wrapped it.
We put our water heater on a timer and wrapped it.
I want to start riding my bike and walking more instead of driving. I am also going to plant an organic garden this year. WE are also going to start recycling. The thing I do the most is use totes bags instead of using plastic bags! I use my email than writing letters to save paper.
I want to start riding my bike and walking more instead of driving. I am also going to plant an organic garden this year. WE are also going to start recycling. The thing I do the most is use totes bags instead of using plastic bags! I use my email than writing letters to save paper.
tip to going green- When buying gasoline at the gas pump. We all know how Gas prices and our economy in general has spun out of control but if you’re mindful and thrifty you may well take advantage by doing this next time your filling up your vehicles gas tank.
You can get medium grade(Plus) gasoline cheaper if you fill 1/2 your tank with Premium grade(Super) and 1/2 your tank with Low grade(Regular)which will make (Medium grade)-Plus if you do so. It may take a minute longer to do this but you will save every time you go to the pumps. I’d say better the money in your pocket than in the Oil companies pocket!
tip to going green- When buying gasoline at the gas pump. We all know how Gas prices and our economy in general has spun out of control but if you’re mindful and thrifty you may well take advantage by doing this next time your filling up your vehicles gas tank.
You can get medium grade(Plus) gasoline cheaper if you fill 1/2 your tank with Premium grade(Super) and 1/2 your tank with Low grade(Regular)which will make (Medium grade)-Plus if you do so. It may take a minute longer to do this but you will save every time you go to the pumps. I’d say better the money in your pocket than in the Oil companies pocket!
I conserve water and recycle and re-purpose things also chnage out light bulbs along with not buying excessively.
I conserve water and recycle and re-purpose things also chnage out light bulbs along with not buying excessively.
We bought good bikes for everyone in the family so that we can ride all over our small town instead of driving.
We bought good bikes for everyone in the family so that we can ride all over our small town instead of driving.
I visited buygreen and many things would help my effort. Including the BioBag Dog Waste Bags
I visited buygreen and many things would help my effort. Including the BioBag Dog Waste Bags
I have lots of green goals now that I am not single and are going to start our lil family soon. We use re-useable bags for groceries. We eat a lot of organic items. We avoid all high fructose corn syrup. We only water our yard at night and take quick showers. We got energy efficient washer and dryer last year. We are still adding to our list and learning new ways to be green. It feels so good!
I have lots of green goals now that I am not single and are going to start our lil family soon. We use re-useable bags for groceries. We eat a lot of organic items. We avoid all high fructose corn syrup. We only water our yard at night and take quick showers. We got energy efficient washer and dryer last year. We are still adding to our list and learning new ways to be green. It feels so good!
This summer I am going to compost and use the result in my garden!! I can’t wait to see what all the banana peels and apple cores turn into!
This summer I am going to compost and use the result in my garden!! I can’t wait to see what all the banana peels and apple cores turn into!
TIP – if you don’t like the smell when using vinegar for cleaning, add a bit of lemon juice to your vinegar solution. The lemon juice cuts down on the vinegar smell and leaves everything smelling fresh.
TIP – if you don’t like the smell when using vinegar for cleaning, add a bit of lemon juice to your vinegar solution. The lemon juice cuts down on the vinegar smell and leaves everything smelling fresh.
Instead of using paper towels for cleaning windows and mirrors, use microfiber cloths. They clean well and don’t leave lint on the surfaces. I use an all natural cleaning product that works great and smells wonderful and natural and isn’t toxic to pets or children.
Instead of using paper towels for cleaning windows and mirrors, use microfiber cloths. They clean well and don’t leave lint on the surfaces. I use an all natural cleaning product that works great and smells wonderful and natural and isn’t toxic to pets or children.
I continually try to go more “green”. I recently re-did my daughters bedroom and painted it with VOC-free paint (Freshaire). The tint for this is also VOC-free. I try to plant 1 tree every year. I always remember by tote bags at the grocery store, but usually forget them for department stores, so I’m trying to remember to bring them to dept. stores, too. I bought a hybrid vehicle and almost always run errands at one time when I have multiple places to go in the same area. If there’s a place I need to go on the other side of town, I wait till I have more things to do on that side of town. I recycle everything I can and am always trying to find ways to re-use what I have instead of buying new.
I continually try to go more “green”. I recently re-did my daughters bedroom and painted it with VOC-free paint (Freshaire). The tint for this is also VOC-free. I try to plant 1 tree every year. I always remember by tote bags at the grocery store, but usually forget them for department stores, so I’m trying to remember to bring them to dept. stores, too. I bought a hybrid vehicle and almost always run errands at one time when I have multiple places to go in the same area. If there’s a place I need to go on the other side of town, I wait till I have more things to do on that side of town. I recycle everything I can and am always trying to find ways to re-use what I have instead of buying new.
This is important to remember earth day and this is definitely one of the best green giveaways that I have seen.
This is important to remember earth day and this is definitely one of the best green giveaways that I have seen.
Here’s a somewhat unique green tip… plant a tree, even if you don’t own land, plant a tree somewhere. Your parent’s yard, a friend’s place or a public property where you can get permission to do so. Trees are very kind and essential for the eco system.
Here’s a somewhat unique green tip… plant a tree, even if you don’t own land, plant a tree somewhere. Your parent’s yard, a friend’s place or a public property where you can get permission to do so. Trees are very kind and essential for the eco system.
One step that I would like to take and would like to see many others take as well is to have a windmill on their property for power. I have a large enough lot and I would love to have a windmill to save on energy bills plus I understand if your electricity goes out you can still have power coming from your windmill. Great bonus.
One step that I would like to take and would like to see many others take as well is to have a windmill on their property for power. I have a large enough lot and I would love to have a windmill to save on energy bills plus I understand if your electricity goes out you can still have power coming from your windmill. Great bonus.
We have really been working hard to become more earth-friendly. In addition to switching to CFL bulbs, using reusable bags, and walking my son to school, we have found places to recycle the magazines and paper products that our curbside service doesn’t pick up. We started a compost pile and just planted a garden and look forward to fertilizing with the compost! It is amazing how much smaller our trash has become – I’d say that within the last year we have reduced it by 2/3.
Green cleaning tip – clean dirty ovens with baking soda and water paste. Leave overnight and clean off with scouring pad. So so simple and no fumes!
Love the products over at project glo http://www.projectglo.com/! Ingenious. Reminds me of a great restaurant chain in Colorado that uses only natural ingredients for their food and their eating utensils. No trash, just a huge compost pile! http://www.larkburger.com/products.htm. Wish I lived closer…
We have really been working hard to become more earth-friendly. In addition to switching to CFL bulbs, using reusable bags, and walking my son to school, we have found places to recycle the magazines and paper products that our curbside service doesn’t pick up. We started a compost pile and just planted a garden and look forward to fertilizing with the compost! It is amazing how much smaller our trash has become – I’d say that within the last year we have reduced it by 2/3.
Green cleaning tip – clean dirty ovens with baking soda and water paste. Leave overnight and clean off with scouring pad. So so simple and no fumes!
Love the products over at project glo http://www.projectglo.com/! Ingenious. Reminds me of a great restaurant chain in Colorado that uses only natural ingredients for their food and their eating utensils. No trash, just a huge compost pile! http://www.larkburger.com/products.htm. Wish I lived closer…
I use white vinegar to remove hard water stains.
I use white vinegar to remove hard water stains.
My family has been taking steps to protect the environment for years. I’m big on recycling. Thankfully, the community we live in started collecting recyclables years ago. Every time we take items to the recycling area, it never ceases to amaze me how much would end up in a landfill if we didn’t recycle. And that’s just for 3 people. We’re also slowly transitioning to energy efficient light bulbs, and turn off electricity using items when not in use.
I must admit, though, that we are bad about batteries. We still have electronics that use them, like the remotes and computer mice. I used to throw batteries away in the trash. But that is going to change, since I’ve discovered that Radio Shack will recycle them. I’m also going to invest in rechargeable batteries, which will reduce the need for buying batteries so frequently.
.-= Marjorie´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday – 4/19/2010 =-.
My family has been taking steps to protect the environment for years. I’m big on recycling. Thankfully, the community we live in started collecting recyclables years ago. Every time we take items to the recycling area, it never ceases to amaze me how much would end up in a landfill if we didn’t recycle. And that’s just for 3 people. We’re also slowly transitioning to energy efficient light bulbs, and turn off electricity using items when not in use.
I must admit, though, that we are bad about batteries. We still have electronics that use them, like the remotes and computer mice. I used to throw batteries away in the trash. But that is going to change, since I’ve discovered that Radio Shack will recycle them. I’m also going to invest in rechargeable batteries, which will reduce the need for buying batteries so frequently.
.-= Marjorie´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday – 4/19/2010 =-.
I just started using reusable produce bags. I love them!!!!
I just started using reusable produce bags. I love them!!!!
We are trying to decrease our carbon footprint by buying all of our produce and veggies at the local farmers market. And of course the simple change we made was just changing all of our lightbulbs. And one really neat thing is we just bought our son the “reclaim” which is a cell phone by sprint made by all recycled materials.
We are trying to decrease our carbon footprint by buying all of our produce and veggies at the local farmers market. And of course the simple change we made was just changing all of our lightbulbs. And one really neat thing is we just bought our son the “reclaim” which is a cell phone by sprint made by all recycled materials.
I have decided to use the stored energy in my body to bike to and from the hair salon, post office, and local restaurants instead of burning fossil fuels. I bring my 1 year- old along in the bike wagon so he is getting a earth-friendly ride and seeing a good example of living green. I also include my kids in breaking down recycling and we all give a good green tip at the dinner table and vote on one to do each week to help the planet. This week is to make sure the water is off when you brush your teeth, last week was to reuse the water from outdoor water play in the bushes or flowerpots using fun outdoor toys.
I have decided to use the stored energy in my body to bike to and from the hair salon, post office, and local restaurants instead of burning fossil fuels. I bring my 1 year- old along in the bike wagon so he is getting a earth-friendly ride and seeing a good example of living green. I also include my kids in breaking down recycling and we all give a good green tip at the dinner table and vote on one to do each week to help the planet. This week is to make sure the water is off when you brush your teeth, last week was to reuse the water from outdoor water play in the bushes or flowerpots using fun outdoor toys.
Instead of using chemicals on your garden to ward of insects, add one teaspoon of epson salts to One Gallon of water. Put solution in a spray bottle and spray on your plants generously. My grandpa had the best gardent that grew large plentiful vegtables without the pests and it helped nurish the plants at the same time.
Thanks Pa Paw!
Instead of using chemicals on your garden to ward of insects, add one teaspoon of epson salts to One Gallon of water. Put solution in a spray bottle and spray on your plants generously. My grandpa had the best gardent that grew large plentiful vegtables without the pests and it helped nurish the plants at the same time.
Thanks Pa Paw!
To unclog drains, we use a simple and eco-friendly mixture of baking soda and vinager. Simply shake baking soda down drain and pour in vinager, let sit for 15 minutes and run water, repeat as needed. May take several times to clear drain, but it will work and is worth the effort (me and my husband both have long hair)
To unclog drains, we use a simple and eco-friendly mixture of baking soda and vinager. Simply shake baking soda down drain and pour in vinager, let sit for 15 minutes and run water, repeat as needed. May take several times to clear drain, but it will work and is worth the effort (me and my husband both have long hair)
i add chopped up orange peel to my flower beds to keep the curious neighborhood kitties out of them — seems cats do not like the smell and the peels don’t hurt them on the environment (c:}
i add chopped up orange peel to my flower beds to keep the curious neighborhood kitties out of them — seems cats do not like the smell and the peels don’t hurt them on the environment (c:}
i’ve been remembering AND using my washable tote bags for grocery shopping which has cut down on the plastic bags supply here at home enormously — thank goodness!
i’ve been remembering AND using my washable tote bags for grocery shopping which has cut down on the plastic bags supply here at home enormously — thank goodness!
these type of soap bars(http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17524&cat=256&page=1 ,http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17518&cat=256&page=1, http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17531&cat=256&page=1 ) could definately green up my hubby since he uses very big-name company soap products that are not good for his skin at all, plus they’re too lovely to not want to try for myself! thank you for the chance!
these type of soap bars(http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17524&cat=256&page=1 ,http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17518&cat=256&page=1, http://www.sarvasoap.com/product.php?productid=17531&cat=256&page=1 ) could definately green up my hubby since he uses very big-name company soap products that are not good for his skin at all, plus they’re too lovely to not want to try for myself! thank you for the chance!
My husband just built a homemade backyard chicken coop yesterday and we’re buying some chicks today. Pretty soon, we’ll have fresh eggs right outside our back door!
My husband just built a homemade backyard chicken coop yesterday and we’re buying some chicks today. Pretty soon, we’ll have fresh eggs right outside our back door!
We have started to compost.
We have started to compost.
I had about 20 dump truck tires that I was going to have to pay $200+ to dump at the landfill. My 13 year old son and I thought and thought about what we could do with them to 1) Save the money, and 2) Not be “breaking the law”. (I have convinced my household that it is against the law not to recycle – heehee) FINALLY, as we were in the planning stages of our first garden ever, we decided to cut the sidewalls off the tires and use them as planters. We also used a load of rip rap (rocks), bricks, and busted concrete that also would have ended up in the landfill to place around the tires. Wish I could post the pic as it turned out much better than it sounds.
I had about 20 dump truck tires that I was going to have to pay $200+ to dump at the landfill. My 13 year old son and I thought and thought about what we could do with them to 1) Save the money, and 2) Not be “breaking the law”. (I have convinced my household that it is against the law not to recycle – heehee) FINALLY, as we were in the planning stages of our first garden ever, we decided to cut the sidewalls off the tires and use them as planters. We also used a load of rip rap (rocks), bricks, and busted concrete that also would have ended up in the landfill to place around the tires. Wish I could post the pic as it turned out much better than it sounds.
I’m helping my coworkers try carpooling: even once a week makes a difference!
I’m helping my coworkers try carpooling: even once a week makes a difference!
I’ll add a tweet: http://twitter.com/ky2here1/status/12411477215
I’ll add a tweet: http://twitter.com/ky2here1/status/12411477215
I divided my hostas and daylilies to share with neighbors to reduce soil erosion.
I divided my hostas and daylilies to share with neighbors to reduce soil erosion.
We’re pretty green here. We don’t have a car, we carry only reusable bags, we even take our own glass containers if we’re picking up take out. The local thai restaurant must think we’re nutso, but I refuse to take their Styrofoam containers. One thing I do want to do is to try composting. We don’t have a programme in our apartment building, but I picked up a (recycled) green bin and have hooked up with a friend down the street who has agree to take in our green bin offerings for her composting bin. I’m hoping it will make a huge difference in the amount of food waste we throw out (something that breaks my heart!)
I visited the EcoStore website and I already LOVE their products, but we have a new baby coming into our extended family and it’s never to early to start kids out being green so I’d LOVE to get some baby green products for the newest Sprout.
Not a particularly new or inventive tip on being green but share magazine subscriptions with friends / family. My mum and I each order a different magazine and we share them. Saves the planet and our wallets. Once we’re both done with them they are donated to a local retirement home or kids art programme that uses them in the kids crafts. One magazine, three lives.
Kermit was wrong, it is easy being GREEN!
We’re pretty green here. We don’t have a car, we carry only reusable bags, we even take our own glass containers if we’re picking up take out. The local thai restaurant must think we’re nutso, but I refuse to take their Styrofoam containers. One thing I do want to do is to try composting. We don’t have a programme in our apartment building, but I picked up a (recycled) green bin and have hooked up with a friend down the street who has agree to take in our green bin offerings for her composting bin. I’m hoping it will make a huge difference in the amount of food waste we throw out (something that breaks my heart!)
I visited the EcoStore website and I already LOVE their products, but we have a new baby coming into our extended family and it’s never to early to start kids out being green so I’d LOVE to get some baby green products for the newest Sprout.
Not a particularly new or inventive tip on being green but share magazine subscriptions with friends / family. My mum and I each order a different magazine and we share them. Saves the planet and our wallets. Once we’re both done with them they are donated to a local retirement home or kids art programme that uses them in the kids crafts. One magazine, three lives.
Kermit was wrong, it is easy being GREEN!
My goal for this year is that I want to make my workplace greener!
So far, I have been doing my part to bring in as much of my own food as I can, bring my own lunch/snack tote, thermos, tea, water bottle, tea kettle.
Oh, and did I mention I recycle too?
Thanks for the giveaway!
My goal for this year is that I want to make my workplace greener!
So far, I have been doing my part to bring in as much of my own food as I can, bring my own lunch/snack tote, thermos, tea, water bottle, tea kettle.
Oh, and did I mention I recycle too?
Thanks for the giveaway!
I joined a group called freecycle.org its a place to list items to recycle like if i dont need a couch anymore i can offer it to someone for free they just come get it. This effort in our community will help keep our landfills from overfilling. But what i am most excited about it what my eleven year old daughter and i will be doing tomorrow we are putting in our first garden 20ft by 12ft. We have been composting for two years and now will be benifiting our new garden. We have decided it is going to be more than enough for our family. So she wants to let her friends come after the veggies get read to be picked and let her friends get fresh veggies for there familys. My husband has put three huge plastic garbage cans at one end where the rain water will collect from the house and sky so we can conserve water and have plenty for our garden.
waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com
I joined a group called freecycle.org its a place to list items to recycle like if i dont need a couch anymore i can offer it to someone for free they just come get it. This effort in our community will help keep our landfills from overfilling. But what i am most excited about it what my eleven year old daughter and i will be doing tomorrow we are putting in our first garden 20ft by 12ft. We have been composting for two years and now will be benifiting our new garden. We have decided it is going to be more than enough for our family. So she wants to let her friends come after the veggies get read to be picked and let her friends get fresh veggies for there familys. My husband has put three huge plastic garbage cans at one end where the rain water will collect from the house and sky so we can conserve water and have plenty for our garden.
waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com
I have started eating vegan for the last month and I haven’t been tempted to go back! Over the last two months, I’ve been turning off power strips for computers and game consoles, grouping my errands, exercising at home instead of taking classes several miles away, explored consignment shops in my area before buying new, and began taking shorter showers.
I have started eating vegan for the last month and I haven’t been tempted to go back! Over the last two months, I’ve been turning off power strips for computers and game consoles, grouping my errands, exercising at home instead of taking classes several miles away, explored consignment shops in my area before buying new, and began taking shorter showers.
Well, I don’t do anything truely original.. I recycle, eat organic, and use eco-friendly cleaners!
Well, I don’t do anything truely original.. I recycle, eat organic, and use eco-friendly cleaners!
I also put a post about the giveaway on Facebook. Julie Mae Porter Reck
I also put a post about the giveaway on Facebook. Julie Mae Porter Reck
I just tweeted about the giveaway on Twitter. @JulieMaeReck
I just tweeted about the giveaway on Twitter. @JulieMaeReck
my tip for being green, before throwing anything in the trash, consider could it have another use? could someone else use it?
see if they have a freecycle in your area, you’d be suprised the items people give away and what people need.
our outgrown clothes are always either donated to shelters or sent on to friend’s and family that could use them. we love browsing the thrift stores, used book stores. i am really proud that my teenage children were brought up to “green” before it was a way to change our ways. it is just something we have always done. reduce, reuse and recycle.
another thing we always do when going to the beach, is to leave it cleaner than when we arrived, i really hate litter.
my tip for being green, before throwing anything in the trash, consider could it have another use? could someone else use it?
see if they have a freecycle in your area, you’d be suprised the items people give away and what people need.
our outgrown clothes are always either donated to shelters or sent on to friend’s and family that could use them. we love browsing the thrift stores, used book stores. i am really proud that my teenage children were brought up to “green” before it was a way to change our ways. it is just something we have always done. reduce, reuse and recycle.
another thing we always do when going to the beach, is to leave it cleaner than when we arrived, i really hate litter.
as far as progres and achievements, we have 2 huge blueberry bushes, new raspberries, that are looking very promising, and the blackberries are going crazy!
we use pinestraw to mulch, we compost kitchen scraps in a bin and lawn clippings in a corner of our yard.
we pull any weeds that are bothersome, but let most go. the bee’s love the clover, and we have plenty.
we recycle everything we can. my kid’s are the only kid’s i know that put plastic forks, cups and plates in the sink to be washed. they just don’t understand throwing things in the trash that can be reused.
i let my flowers go to seed, save the seeds for next spring. i have always shared and exchanged plants with my friends and neighbors.
as far as progres and achievements, we have 2 huge blueberry bushes, new raspberries, that are looking very promising, and the blackberries are going crazy!
we use pinestraw to mulch, we compost kitchen scraps in a bin and lawn clippings in a corner of our yard.
we pull any weeds that are bothersome, but let most go. the bee’s love the clover, and we have plenty.
we recycle everything we can. my kid’s are the only kid’s i know that put plastic forks, cups and plates in the sink to be washed. they just don’t understand throwing things in the trash that can be reused.
i let my flowers go to seed, save the seeds for next spring. i have always shared and exchanged plants with my friends and neighbors.
this year my son and i have used recycled pavers to build a raised garden, in the past due to a large dog, i would just plant my veggies’ in my flower gardens. we filled the new bed with the compost that we’d been cooking all winter. used newsprint under the compost to aid in mulching and to feed the worms. we are optimistic for a great bounty.
this year my son and i have used recycled pavers to build a raised garden, in the past due to a large dog, i would just plant my veggies’ in my flower gardens. we filled the new bed with the compost that we’d been cooking all winter. used newsprint under the compost to aid in mulching and to feed the worms. we are optimistic for a great bounty.
Oh, and my hubby and I are looking into getting solar panels… I don’t know if we can afford it yet, but it is definitely on our list of improvements to make along with replacing the old windows with more efficient ones.
Oh, and my hubby and I are looking into getting solar panels… I don’t know if we can afford it yet, but it is definitely on our list of improvements to make along with replacing the old windows with more efficient ones.
Well…. I watched the movie Food Inc. and man does that make me angry! I think that has been the best diet for me thus far! I am not going to support that kind of thing, that is horrible and we are slowly killing everyone! I subscribed to E magazine (the environmental magazine) and man does that have some good information. I sent in some information to volunteer for environmental data recovery to help for the future. Oh, and I finally hit my goal with the 7 minute shower! Now to move on to 5 minutes! I am really loving this green movement and I am finally fully immersed I think, after going into it gradually for the last couple of years I am at the point where it just makes me angry that we are subjected to the chemicals and such that we are subjected to and it washes into our water and pollutes and ugh!!! So mad…. but happy to that I feel I can make a difference.
Well…. I watched the movie Food Inc. and man does that make me angry! I think that has been the best diet for me thus far! I am not going to support that kind of thing, that is horrible and we are slowly killing everyone! I subscribed to E magazine (the environmental magazine) and man does that have some good information. I sent in some information to volunteer for environmental data recovery to help for the future. Oh, and I finally hit my goal with the 7 minute shower! Now to move on to 5 minutes! I am really loving this green movement and I am finally fully immersed I think, after going into it gradually for the last couple of years I am at the point where it just makes me angry that we are subjected to the chemicals and such that we are subjected to and it washes into our water and pollutes and ugh!!! So mad…. but happy to that I feel I can make a difference.
My Monday 04/12/2010 entry 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My Monday 04/12/2010 entry 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
The Ecominders bag swould be a great addition to our single reusable shopping back
The Ecominders bag swould be a great addition to our single reusable shopping back
Count me in again please 🙂
Count me in again please 🙂
As a parent of an Earth Day baby (he’ll be 13 this year), and an elementary teacher (3rd grade), I feel it is important to protect our Earth. I’m in the process of deciding how to involve my students in a “Take a Stand” assignment that directly ties in with our Michigan objectives. At this point, I’m planning to have them write to our local/state government officials trying to persuade them into enforcing a bottled water deposit law. We currently have a pop/beer deposit, so I think they could be persuaded, since the current deposit law has proved valuable. Thanks for considering!
As a parent of an Earth Day baby (he’ll be 13 this year), and an elementary teacher (3rd grade), I feel it is important to protect our Earth. I’m in the process of deciding how to involve my students in a “Take a Stand” assignment that directly ties in with our Michigan objectives. At this point, I’m planning to have them write to our local/state government officials trying to persuade them into enforcing a bottled water deposit law. We currently have a pop/beer deposit, so I think they could be persuaded, since the current deposit law has proved valuable. Thanks for considering!
Heres an idea, which I know friends of mine have done: Convert your car so that it takes vegetable oil, and then they have an arrangement with a local restaurant, who gives them their used vegetable oil for FREE….so they don’t pay for gas, and when the car runs it’s doesn’t pollute the air like gasoline exhaust does. It cost about $1200 to convert their car, and it’s been running smoothly ever since…and it’s a big help on their wallets and on the environment 🙂
Heres an idea, which I know friends of mine have done: Convert your car so that it takes vegetable oil, and then they have an arrangement with a local restaurant, who gives them their used vegetable oil for FREE….so they don’t pay for gas, and when the car runs it’s doesn’t pollute the air like gasoline exhaust does. It cost about $1200 to convert their car, and it’s been running smoothly ever since…and it’s a big help on their wallets and on the environment 🙂
We have an organic garden, use CFL bulbs, have our TV and other electric vampires on a strip that we turn off when not in use, and we just signed a contract and put a down payment on solar panels to be installed later this year! Oh, and my husband built 2 homemade wind turbines that power some batteries he uses to recharge his cell phones, etc.
We have an organic garden, use CFL bulbs, have our TV and other electric vampires on a strip that we turn off when not in use, and we just signed a contract and put a down payment on solar panels to be installed later this year! Oh, and my husband built 2 homemade wind turbines that power some batteries he uses to recharge his cell phones, etc.
Another entry for me please 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Another entry for me please 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My one little “seed” of Green Wisdom was planted in the mind of my fiance, who’d never recycled before meeting me.
He drank nearly a case of soda every other day and simply threw away all those cans.
I’d pick ’em outta the trash and toss ’em in a recycling bin, forcing him to see just how many things that could be reused he was throwing into landfills.
That “seed” became planted so firmly that he noticed the 50-or-so guys in his shop tossing hundreds of cans and bottles a day, not to mention myriads of horrendously wasteful styrofoam cups in which they’d drink coffee.
He brought the matter to superiors and the company instituted a businesswide ban on styrofoam (!), issuing a large travel-type mug to every employee (not just shop personnel) to re-use, in addition to putting in recyling bins next to trash cans AND near copiers and fax machines.
As a result of that initial recycling “seed”, a “crop” of several hundred people are now recycling at their office daily! 😀
It goes to show that one never knows when, where or how a “seed” will ‘take’, nor how many “seedlings” will sprout over time… Thus, it *IS* possible for a single person to start a ‘revolution’, of sorts: simply by living green and continuing to plant your seeds. 🙂
My one little “seed” of Green Wisdom was planted in the mind of my fiance, who’d never recycled before meeting me.
He drank nearly a case of soda every other day and simply threw away all those cans.
I’d pick ’em outta the trash and toss ’em in a recycling bin, forcing him to see just how many things that could be reused he was throwing into landfills.
That “seed” became planted so firmly that he noticed the 50-or-so guys in his shop tossing hundreds of cans and bottles a day, not to mention myriads of horrendously wasteful styrofoam cups in which they’d drink coffee.
He brought the matter to superiors and the company instituted a businesswide ban on styrofoam (!), issuing a large travel-type mug to every employee (not just shop personnel) to re-use, in addition to putting in recyling bins next to trash cans AND near copiers and fax machines.
As a result of that initial recycling “seed”, a “crop” of several hundred people are now recycling at their office daily! 😀
It goes to show that one never knows when, where or how a “seed” will ‘take’, nor how many “seedlings” will sprout over time… Thus, it *IS* possible for a single person to start a ‘revolution’, of sorts: simply by living green and continuing to plant your seeds. 🙂
My goal for this year, was to try to reduce our household waste to zero. We have really had to step up our commitment to recycling. I set up an area in my garage with 6 recycling bins. My kids are loving the sorting process. I am trying to reuse as many glass jars or plastic produce containers as possible.
We are only using reusable shopping bags. I also got everyone in the family 2 reusable water bottles each.
No more paper towels or napkins. I am now well stocked on dish towels, sponges, and cloth napkins.
We are in the process of planting our garden and we started a compost bin. It really has been a lot of fun get everything set up.
This has been a large undertaking in our home. I don’t know that we will completely succeed, but I think we have made some great progress. We had a rough start, but I think we are doing great!
My goal for this year, was to try to reduce our household waste to zero. We have really had to step up our commitment to recycling. I set up an area in my garage with 6 recycling bins. My kids are loving the sorting process. I am trying to reuse as many glass jars or plastic produce containers as possible.
We are only using reusable shopping bags. I also got everyone in the family 2 reusable water bottles each.
No more paper towels or napkins. I am now well stocked on dish towels, sponges, and cloth napkins.
We are in the process of planting our garden and we started a compost bin. It really has been a lot of fun get everything set up.
This has been a large undertaking in our home. I don’t know that we will completely succeed, but I think we have made some great progress. We had a rough start, but I think we are doing great!
I have started by buying each family member a BPA free water bottle and never buy the plastic bottles. We also have 2 recycling containers that we are trying to teach the kids about recycling. It is a lot of work, but I think by teaching my children different ways of doing things, eventually it will be natural to them and there will will be a greener place.
I have started by buying each family member a BPA free water bottle and never buy the plastic bottles. We also have 2 recycling containers that we are trying to teach the kids about recycling. It is a lot of work, but I think by teaching my children different ways of doing things, eventually it will be natural to them and there will will be a greener place.
My family and I have started trying to use specific items in our home as toys and/or arts and crafts projects instead of just throwing them away. Certain magazines show many different ways on how to reuse egg cartons, toilet paper roles, paper towel roles, baby food jars and so on. I even try to get my preschool age class in on it. We have made our own glitter jewel jars using the glass baby food jars. Another great idea is to take a water bottle put a set of mardi gras beads (we get them a lot here in Louisiana) inside, and glue the lid shut. Babies love turning them over and over and seeing the pretty beads float around inside.
My family and I have started trying to use specific items in our home as toys and/or arts and crafts projects instead of just throwing them away. Certain magazines show many different ways on how to reuse egg cartons, toilet paper roles, paper towel roles, baby food jars and so on. I even try to get my preschool age class in on it. We have made our own glitter jewel jars using the glass baby food jars. Another great idea is to take a water bottle put a set of mardi gras beads (we get them a lot here in Louisiana) inside, and glue the lid shut. Babies love turning them over and over and seeing the pretty beads float around inside.
Count me in again please 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Count me in again please 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I created RabbitMatch.org to help people go green — in their choice of pet! House rabbits are 100% GREEN companions. There’s no better way to save the planet and help a homeless animal at the same time.
House rabbits eat 90% hay, green veggies + a little bit of rabbit pellets 2 x per day. They’re litterbox trained (if spayed/neutered) and quiet. They have no animal odor, they’re 99% non-allergic, have no dander and clean themselves scrupulously. They poop and pee on hay that makes great organic garden fertilizer. Plus you get binkies and nosebonks. http://rabbitmatch.posterous.com/the-real-energizer-bunny
Thanks for the opportunity!
I created RabbitMatch.org to help people go green — in their choice of pet! House rabbits are 100% GREEN companions. There’s no better way to save the planet and help a homeless animal at the same time.
House rabbits eat 90% hay, green veggies + a little bit of rabbit pellets 2 x per day. They’re litterbox trained (if spayed/neutered) and quiet. They have no animal odor, they’re 99% non-allergic, have no dander and clean themselves scrupulously. They poop and pee on hay that makes great organic garden fertilizer. Plus you get binkies and nosebonks. http://rabbitmatch.posterous.com/the-real-energizer-bunny
Thanks for the opportunity!
My fiance and I are lucky enough to live within walking distance of 2 grocery stores, so when the weather is nice we walk instead of drive. Exercise, fresh air and saving the environment…what could be better? We also use reusable bags when we shop.
Another idea…instead of having restaurants box up your leftovers in Styrofoam or plastic containers, bring along your own reusable containers. Better yet, just leave a set of tupperware in the car so you’ll never forget!
My fiance and I are lucky enough to live within walking distance of 2 grocery stores, so when the weather is nice we walk instead of drive. Exercise, fresh air and saving the environment…what could be better? We also use reusable bags when we shop.
Another idea…instead of having restaurants box up your leftovers in Styrofoam or plastic containers, bring along your own reusable containers. Better yet, just leave a set of tupperware in the car so you’ll never forget!
I am frugal and save everything! I started to use soap nuts ,a green nut that is a natural! Its wonderful ! I boil some down to make a cleaner for the house and then I use some for the wash! I had extra so I also donated some to our local church so more people will save money,go green and help our enviroment!!
I also hang my clothes on the line ,the sun is the best dryer and it saves ,my clothes smell so good!
We plant an organtic garden that is a community garden and helps feed many families!!
Sharing ,helping one another and being green!
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..Mom Rocks at MomLogic!! =-.
I am frugal and save everything! I started to use soap nuts ,a green nut that is a natural! Its wonderful ! I boil some down to make a cleaner for the house and then I use some for the wash! I had extra so I also donated some to our local church so more people will save money,go green and help our enviroment!!
I also hang my clothes on the line ,the sun is the best dryer and it saves ,my clothes smell so good!
We plant an organtic garden that is a community garden and helps feed many families!!
Sharing ,helping one another and being green!
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..Mom Rocks at MomLogic!! =-.
I will be making bar soap for my hubby and I as well here in a couple of weeks.
I will be making bar soap for my hubby and I as well here in a couple of weeks.
Oh! I forgot! I am really trying to eat more like a vegetarian. I am having mixed success so far, but I am working on eating lower on the food chain overall!
Oh! I forgot! I am really trying to eat more like a vegetarian. I am having mixed success so far, but I am working on eating lower on the food chain overall!
Green Tip: Eat locally grown foods and eat what is in season! It will reduce your carbon footprint.
Green Tip: Eat locally grown foods and eat what is in season! It will reduce your carbon footprint.
I am looking at getting a composter and rain barrels this year. I am seriously considering taking the local train to work this year, even though it is a 2 mile walk from the station to work, that will be fine. My husband and I have reduced our trash so much that we only have to put the trash bins out every 4-5 weeks, all the rest goes to recycle. I have also noticed that I have been looking more closely to the packaging of food products that we buy… I am trying specifically to look for plastics that can be recycled. I used to buy a handful of organic products when I would shop, now I try to buy as much organic as I can. My mindset is changing I noted the other day because instead of thinking of how much it costs right now, I am thinking of the long term effect. I have also sworn off of aerosols…. even though I never liked the hairsprays that come in the spritzy type bottles, I will use them for the greater good (old habits are hard to break I guess). I am also not using the disposable break items at work anymore. I bought some bamboo utensils to use and a ceramic mug and we bought some glass containers to put our food in that needs to be heated so that we are not exposed to the chemicals in the plastic containers. Whew…. that was quite the novella.
I am looking at getting a composter and rain barrels this year. I am seriously considering taking the local train to work this year, even though it is a 2 mile walk from the station to work, that will be fine. My husband and I have reduced our trash so much that we only have to put the trash bins out every 4-5 weeks, all the rest goes to recycle. I have also noticed that I have been looking more closely to the packaging of food products that we buy… I am trying specifically to look for plastics that can be recycled. I used to buy a handful of organic products when I would shop, now I try to buy as much organic as I can. My mindset is changing I noted the other day because instead of thinking of how much it costs right now, I am thinking of the long term effect. I have also sworn off of aerosols…. even though I never liked the hairsprays that come in the spritzy type bottles, I will use them for the greater good (old habits are hard to break I guess). I am also not using the disposable break items at work anymore. I bought some bamboo utensils to use and a ceramic mug and we bought some glass containers to put our food in that needs to be heated so that we are not exposed to the chemicals in the plastic containers. Whew…. that was quite the novella.
We need to do some landscaping to our lawn and we are planning on planting native plants and a rain garden mix to help solve our flooding problem. I am also hoping to invest in a beegrowers kit to help replenish the bee population.
We need to do some landscaping to our lawn and we are planning on planting native plants and a rain garden mix to help solve our flooding problem. I am also hoping to invest in a beegrowers kit to help replenish the bee population.
I put your contest on my facebook:)
I put your contest on my facebook:)
We started our own organic garden, and we enrich the soil using kitchen vegetable and fruit scraps, lawn cuttings, etc. We try to purchase only locally grown produce when we don’t have what we need in our garden.
We started our own organic garden, and we enrich the soil using kitchen vegetable and fruit scraps, lawn cuttings, etc. We try to purchase only locally grown produce when we don’t have what we need in our garden.
I recently joined a “Green Committee” at work (a high school). It’s about time this started, because they are very limited, ie, only do things like recycle paper (nothing else is allowed in the bins because it “would get the bins dirty”). If the students who collect the recycle bins happen to miss one, or something other than paper is in the bin, the janitors are told to throw it in the regular trash. I have been gathering cans and bottles and taking them home to recycle. Hopefully this new committee will listen to some of my suggestions about recycling and using eco-friendly cleaners.
I recently joined a “Green Committee” at work (a high school). It’s about time this started, because they are very limited, ie, only do things like recycle paper (nothing else is allowed in the bins because it “would get the bins dirty”). If the students who collect the recycle bins happen to miss one, or something other than paper is in the bin, the janitors are told to throw it in the regular trash. I have been gathering cans and bottles and taking them home to recycle. Hopefully this new committee will listen to some of my suggestions about recycling and using eco-friendly cleaners.
I don’t have a compost at home so I bring my compostables to my nearby Whole Foods since I shop there weekly.
I don’t have a compost at home so I bring my compostables to my nearby Whole Foods since I shop there weekly.
At the office (and of course home) I am the Recycle Policewoman. People no longer leave recycleables in the garbage but now take it home to recycle or bring it to me to do for them. I even dumpster dive at work….those tp rolls add up!!
Thank you for providing the contest and best of luck to all!!
At the office (and of course home) I am the Recycle Policewoman. People no longer leave recycleables in the garbage but now take it home to recycle or bring it to me to do for them. I even dumpster dive at work….those tp rolls add up!!
Thank you for providing the contest and best of luck to all!!
A good place to go is dosomething.org once you put in that you’re interested in helping the environment they give you green events in your area and ideas for what events you could organize. A new thing I’ve been doing at my house is unplugging anything I’m not using at that exact moment. Lamps, stereos, chargers, toaster….all of those things use up energy while plugged in, even if they’re not on! We’ve planted tons of things on our property as well, trees, flowers, a vegetable garden. It’s really fun.
A good place to go is dosomething.org once you put in that you’re interested in helping the environment they give you green events in your area and ideas for what events you could organize. A new thing I’ve been doing at my house is unplugging anything I’m not using at that exact moment. Lamps, stereos, chargers, toaster….all of those things use up energy while plugged in, even if they’re not on! We’ve planted tons of things on our property as well, trees, flowers, a vegetable garden. It’s really fun.
We’re planting an organic garden.
We’re planting an organic garden.
I use newspaper instead of toilet paper! I wrap a paper towel that I save from when I’m out around it so the ink won’t get on my buns. When I’m out I wash my hands and save the paper towel because it’s clean and my hand are clean so I reuse it. I don’t flush the newpaper down the toilet. I’m also looking at rain barrels.
I use newspaper instead of toilet paper! I wrap a paper towel that I save from when I’m out around it so the ink won’t get on my buns. When I’m out I wash my hands and save the paper towel because it’s clean and my hand are clean so I reuse it. I don’t flush the newpaper down the toilet. I’m also looking at rain barrels.
I invested in rain barrels this year 🙂
I invested in rain barrels this year 🙂
I saved seed from my favorite plants and encouraged other friends to do the same. In a few weeks we are going to have a seed swap to green our homes and reduce all the waste that comes with plants from commercial nurseries
I saved seed from my favorite plants and encouraged other friends to do the same. In a few weeks we are going to have a seed swap to green our homes and reduce all the waste that comes with plants from commercial nurseries
I use coffee grinds for my roses. I also recycle everyday.
I use coffee grinds for my roses. I also recycle everyday.
I blogged about this on my Giveaway Roundup at http://sarahsimplifies.blogspot.com/2010/04/giveaway-roundup.html
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Going green =-.
I blogged about this on my Giveaway Roundup at http://sarahsimplifies.blogspot.com/2010/04/giveaway-roundup.html
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Going green =-.
Green Tip: Don’t throw medicines/prescriptions in the toilet or down the sink, they contaminate the water supply. There is more information on what to do at fda.gov
Green Tip: Don’t throw medicines/prescriptions in the toilet or down the sink, they contaminate the water supply. There is more information on what to do at fda.gov
Green Tip: Avoid products with Parabens in them! They are bad for you and your family and they wash down the drain when you use them in the bath!
Green Tip: Avoid products with Parabens in them! They are bad for you and your family and they wash down the drain when you use them in the bath!
So, in addition to what I previously posted I am going to buy a Barnes and Noble Nook…. I am an avid reader and I can save a lot of trees if I go that route. I am also going to take some of my old books that I don’t want to the local thrift store. I need to buy some new clothes because I lost some weight too… I still have more to lose so I don’t want to revamp my whole wardrobe so I will buy some clothes at a consignment shop to get me through. There are new clothes there sometimes and some really good stuff for way cheaper than buying it brand new! And when I lose the weight I want to buy clothes that are organic and made of natural fabrics. This might sound kind of gross too… but I know they make things like the Diva Cup and reusable ladies products, so I have been looking into those options. I am counting the days to the farmer’s market as well so I can buy local, fresh produce. Showers are a hard one for me… I love my showers but I really need to conserve water, so I am trying to keep them to under 7 minutes… I will try to get down to 5 minutes… baby steps right?
So, in addition to what I previously posted I am going to buy a Barnes and Noble Nook…. I am an avid reader and I can save a lot of trees if I go that route. I am also going to take some of my old books that I don’t want to the local thrift store. I need to buy some new clothes because I lost some weight too… I still have more to lose so I don’t want to revamp my whole wardrobe so I will buy some clothes at a consignment shop to get me through. There are new clothes there sometimes and some really good stuff for way cheaper than buying it brand new! And when I lose the weight I want to buy clothes that are organic and made of natural fabrics. This might sound kind of gross too… but I know they make things like the Diva Cup and reusable ladies products, so I have been looking into those options. I am counting the days to the farmer’s market as well so I can buy local, fresh produce. Showers are a hard one for me… I love my showers but I really need to conserve water, so I am trying to keep them to under 7 minutes… I will try to get down to 5 minutes… baby steps right?
I tweeted.
I tweeted.
A tip to be green:
I purchase products that are organic!
A tip to be green:
I purchase products that are organic!
My plan to be environmentally friendly is in progress. Now, I walk to the local grocery store instead of driving there. I can exercise while being environmentally friendly!
My plan to be environmentally friendly is in progress. Now, I walk to the local grocery store instead of driving there. I can exercise while being environmentally friendly!
I am starting to shop at local grocery stores or farms so that the products that I purchase reduce pollution to the environment due to shipping.
I am starting to shop at local grocery stores or farms so that the products that I purchase reduce pollution to the environment due to shipping.
We’ve reduced our trash by 85% by recycling, composting and better purchasing choices. It is very satisfying.
We’ve reduced our trash by 85% by recycling, composting and better purchasing choices. It is very satisfying.
I really need to stop buying bottled water!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I really need to stop buying bottled water!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I have been saving papers that only have print on one side and use the backs for note paper or for doodling. I also am printing on both sides of the paper when I print from my computer.
I have been saving papers that only have print on one side and use the backs for note paper or for doodling. I also am printing on both sides of the paper when I print from my computer.
So, I am sure this is just the start of my greening and trying to do extra things and “think out of the box”, but I have been very conscious of the chemicals in my products for awhile, but it sometimes seems really hard to really keep on top of it. So, I am going to be creating some of my own skin care products. I bought a book with some recipes and I am buying bottles and organic essential oils so that they are really pure. The bottles are glass so that there is no BPA in them for me or my family. For me going green and being healthy are one and the same. I also have subscriptions to some magazines. I usually recycle them as soon as I am done, but I have some friends who are interested in reading, so we are going to trade between the three of us, all I ask is that they give them back if they have no intention of recycling or that they recycle them when they are done. I am going to start paying more attention to packaging as well. I have noticed that there are some products which cannot be recycled in my area, so I am going to try to make an effort to pay attention to the plastic that is in the packaging, etc. so that it doesn’t go in the trash, it can be recycled.
So, I am sure this is just the start of my greening and trying to do extra things and “think out of the box”, but I have been very conscious of the chemicals in my products for awhile, but it sometimes seems really hard to really keep on top of it. So, I am going to be creating some of my own skin care products. I bought a book with some recipes and I am buying bottles and organic essential oils so that they are really pure. The bottles are glass so that there is no BPA in them for me or my family. For me going green and being healthy are one and the same. I also have subscriptions to some magazines. I usually recycle them as soon as I am done, but I have some friends who are interested in reading, so we are going to trade between the three of us, all I ask is that they give them back if they have no intention of recycling or that they recycle them when they are done. I am going to start paying more attention to packaging as well. I have noticed that there are some products which cannot be recycled in my area, so I am going to try to make an effort to pay attention to the plastic that is in the packaging, etc. so that it doesn’t go in the trash, it can be recycled.
Wash and reuse your plastic sandwich and freezer bags. They will last a long time.
Wash and reuse your plastic sandwich and freezer bags. They will last a long time.
My friends and I recently got together to talk about new ideas about becoming more environmentally friendly. Last year I started I garden and promised myself I would not buy any new clothing or shoes. This year my hens are laying and I am going to try to remember to bring my Tupperware to restaurants. I am also trying to phase out plastic in my kitchen in favor of glass. When affordable I will replace my old appliances with something new!
My friends and I recently got together to talk about new ideas about becoming more environmentally friendly. Last year I started I garden and promised myself I would not buy any new clothing or shoes. This year my hens are laying and I am going to try to remember to bring my Tupperware to restaurants. I am also trying to phase out plastic in my kitchen in favor of glass. When affordable I will replace my old appliances with something new!
I got a water purifier instead of buying water bottles
I got a water purifier instead of buying water bottles
I’m documenting my adventures in going green at my blog. In addition to having a garden this year. I’m building a recycling center so we can cut down on the garbage we send to the landfill and I’m starting a compost pile this year. I also am going to have designated days of car use.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Zehn Naturals Tee Shirt giveaway! =-.
I’m documenting my adventures in going green at my blog. In addition to having a garden this year. I’m building a recycling center so we can cut down on the garbage we send to the landfill and I’m starting a compost pile this year. I also am going to have designated days of car use.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Zehn Naturals Tee Shirt giveaway! =-.
I currently put all the leaves from fall into my garden at the end of the season.
I currently put all the leaves from fall into my garden at the end of the season.
I’m going to make a compost pile this year. My parents always had one when I was growing up.
I’m going to make a compost pile this year. My parents always had one when I was growing up.
Let’s see. I’ve replaced all of my chemical cleaners with non toxic cleaners that are not harsh on the environment. I’ve replaced most of my plastic dishes and containers with Pyrex and will no longer buy plastic. I got a HE washer. I try to only sell and buy on C-list.
Let’s see. I’ve replaced all of my chemical cleaners with non toxic cleaners that are not harsh on the environment. I’ve replaced most of my plastic dishes and containers with Pyrex and will no longer buy plastic. I got a HE washer. I try to only sell and buy on C-list.
Actually, I just searched on how to repel ants without using chemicals as they decided my dog’s food seemed yummy. Turns out vinegar and cinnamon are natural ant repellants, will see if they work!
Actually, I just searched on how to repel ants without using chemicals as they decided my dog’s food seemed yummy. Turns out vinegar and cinnamon are natural ant repellants, will see if they work!
I’d love to have HappyFamily participate in your giveaway, please check out our website to see if you would be interested in having us aboard.
I love this idea, great way to get the word out about healthier living. As a family we planted a garden a few years ago and it has grown nicely. This past weekend we finally got a nice size pile of compost, which we were VERY excited about.
I will be tweeting about this fab giveaway on oboyorganic
I’d love to have HappyFamily participate in your giveaway, please check out our website to see if you would be interested in having us aboard.
I love this idea, great way to get the word out about healthier living. As a family we planted a garden a few years ago and it has grown nicely. This past weekend we finally got a nice size pile of compost, which we were VERY excited about.
I will be tweeting about this fab giveaway on oboyorganic
It was a cause of great joy when our small town started offering curbside recycling pick-up..
It was a cause of great joy when our small town started offering curbside recycling pick-up..
I tweeted http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/11015788723
I tweeted http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/11015788723
I no longer buy paper napkins or towels. I clean with mircofiber cloth.
All my napkins are cloth and I also use washable placemats instead of tableclothes.
I no longer buy paper napkins or towels. I clean with mircofiber cloth.
All my napkins are cloth and I also use washable placemats instead of tableclothes.
Seen how much berries cost in the store lately? This weekend, I intend to buy at least 10 berry bushes: Red Currants, black currants, blueberry- and plum: It make take a few years, but the investment will be worthwhile!
By planting these bushes, I will also be providing shade for butterflies and nectar for honeybees when the bushes blossom! Best of all, I’ll reduce my carbon footprint.
Seen how much berries cost in the store lately? This weekend, I intend to buy at least 10 berry bushes: Red Currants, black currants, blueberry- and plum: It make take a few years, but the investment will be worthwhile!
By planting these bushes, I will also be providing shade for butterflies and nectar for honeybees when the bushes blossom! Best of all, I’ll reduce my carbon footprint.
Last year, we resolved to try to eliminate 25% of what we sent to the landfill.
To meet that goal, we began composting and since we include shredded paper in our compost, that was a big help.
We also started to reduce how much packaging we bring into the house. For example, I don’t buy yogurt any more. I make my own, eliminating all those containers. And we don’t use bottled water any more, either.
We’ve actually been able to reduce what we send to the landfill by 50%.
Last year, we resolved to try to eliminate 25% of what we sent to the landfill.
To meet that goal, we began composting and since we include shredded paper in our compost, that was a big help.
We also started to reduce how much packaging we bring into the house. For example, I don’t buy yogurt any more. I make my own, eliminating all those containers. And we don’t use bottled water any more, either.
We’ve actually been able to reduce what we send to the landfill by 50%.
Needless to say my collection of tote bags for shopping has grown very nicely and I can now do an entire weeks shopping without one plastic bag. I got to thinking about our house when I was growing up, Mom worked so grandma pretty much ran the house (blended families were the norm then, my widowed grandmother and my widowed aunt lived with us). Reusing and recycling was a way of life then not to save the planet but simply because the idea of throwing out something that might be of use was anathma to them. No plastic containers were bought to store food in the fridge, jars that food came in were washed and used over and over again. Windows were washed weekly using vinegar and water and crumbled up newspaper no paper towels or chemicals. Tin cans had so many uses from collecting worms for fishing to storing buttons to holding screws and nails on Dad’s workbench to pots for starting seeds in the spring. Worn out clothing went in the rag bag and those rags were used for cleaning the house not paper towels and socks were darned not thrown away, clothing was mended not tossed. Every window had shades that were drawn in summer to keep out the sun’s heat and opened in winter to let in the sun’s heat. A rain barrel served to save rainwater for washing the hair and delicates as it was thought superior to city water which even at that time had some chemicals in it (chlorine) and I don’t think any house on the block didn’t have a mulch bin way out in the back yard. Sometimes in summer the neighborhood got a bit smelly but everyone knew that was necessary to keep the garden alive and producing. It wasn’t until the 60’s that the throw-away habits really got started with the development of cheap plastics. Somehow we have to get back to the kind of thinking that was our grandparents standard. I work really hard to teach my adult kids and my grandbabies to recycle, save, avoid chemicals and walk or bike instead of using the car.
Needless to say my collection of tote bags for shopping has grown very nicely and I can now do an entire weeks shopping without one plastic bag. I got to thinking about our house when I was growing up, Mom worked so grandma pretty much ran the house (blended families were the norm then, my widowed grandmother and my widowed aunt lived with us). Reusing and recycling was a way of life then not to save the planet but simply because the idea of throwing out something that might be of use was anathma to them. No plastic containers were bought to store food in the fridge, jars that food came in were washed and used over and over again. Windows were washed weekly using vinegar and water and crumbled up newspaper no paper towels or chemicals. Tin cans had so many uses from collecting worms for fishing to storing buttons to holding screws and nails on Dad’s workbench to pots for starting seeds in the spring. Worn out clothing went in the rag bag and those rags were used for cleaning the house not paper towels and socks were darned not thrown away, clothing was mended not tossed. Every window had shades that were drawn in summer to keep out the sun’s heat and opened in winter to let in the sun’s heat. A rain barrel served to save rainwater for washing the hair and delicates as it was thought superior to city water which even at that time had some chemicals in it (chlorine) and I don’t think any house on the block didn’t have a mulch bin way out in the back yard. Sometimes in summer the neighborhood got a bit smelly but everyone knew that was necessary to keep the garden alive and producing. It wasn’t until the 60’s that the throw-away habits really got started with the development of cheap plastics. Somehow we have to get back to the kind of thinking that was our grandparents standard. I work really hard to teach my adult kids and my grandbabies to recycle, save, avoid chemicals and walk or bike instead of using the car.
I made some great cloth napkins two years ago for Thanksgiving and just kept using them in stead of paper towels. We buy (and throw away) far less now and our meals are a little nicer!
I made some great cloth napkins two years ago for Thanksgiving and just kept using them in stead of paper towels. We buy (and throw away) far less now and our meals are a little nicer!
I am going to pay more attention to water consumption. First step, not letting the water run to get it hot when I’m going to boil it anyway!
I am going to pay more attention to water consumption. First step, not letting the water run to get it hot when I’m going to boil it anyway!
Everyday I try and think of ways I can help protect the planet. Thanks for the chance.
Everyday I try and think of ways I can help protect the planet. Thanks for the chance.
In desperation I started the following, anyone whom I saw leave a room and not turn off the lights if they were going to be gone more than 5 minutes was fined 25c from their weekly allowance which was put in the NO NO jar and adults had to contribute 50c to that jar if they were caught and leaving on the TV or radio or appliance of any kind doubled the fine. At first they treated it as a joke until the kids were finding their allowance dished out on Friday was getting pretty anemic and the adults were finding their coffee and donuts change gone and the NO NO jar filed fuller each week. It took awhile and a lot of griping but for the past two weeks the jar has been empty and the habits are now pretty much igrained but the rules still go on and the NO NO jar still sits on the kitchen counter. I told them that the money from the NO NO jar was for me but actually I gave it to a kitty shelter a friend of mine runs. At the dollar store you can get a lot of kitty necessaries for a few dollars. Now we are on a recycle training. Before throwing out anything the members of this household have to clear it with me and anyone who has something they were going to toss and found a way to recycle it gets a reward, a whole batch of my world famous PB cookies with chocolate candy kisses to eat themselves or share as they wish. Even the adults like that one and I keep running out of PB. This will be our second summer here and last year we were still settling in but this year we are going to get a good garden up and running and everyone has been warned that they will be give specific chores to do and to not do them will gain them the wrath of Green Mom. When I was growing up everyone had a back yard garden and many like my Dad had community plot gardens also but living in aparements in town made it nearly impossible but now we have 4 acres and I intend to put it to good and teach everyone the real joy of eating corn on the cob or tomatoes warmed by the sun that you have grown yourself. Hey I might even get some chickens.
In desperation I started the following, anyone whom I saw leave a room and not turn off the lights if they were going to be gone more than 5 minutes was fined 25c from their weekly allowance which was put in the NO NO jar and adults had to contribute 50c to that jar if they were caught and leaving on the TV or radio or appliance of any kind doubled the fine. At first they treated it as a joke until the kids were finding their allowance dished out on Friday was getting pretty anemic and the adults were finding their coffee and donuts change gone and the NO NO jar filed fuller each week. It took awhile and a lot of griping but for the past two weeks the jar has been empty and the habits are now pretty much igrained but the rules still go on and the NO NO jar still sits on the kitchen counter. I told them that the money from the NO NO jar was for me but actually I gave it to a kitty shelter a friend of mine runs. At the dollar store you can get a lot of kitty necessaries for a few dollars. Now we are on a recycle training. Before throwing out anything the members of this household have to clear it with me and anyone who has something they were going to toss and found a way to recycle it gets a reward, a whole batch of my world famous PB cookies with chocolate candy kisses to eat themselves or share as they wish. Even the adults like that one and I keep running out of PB. This will be our second summer here and last year we were still settling in but this year we are going to get a good garden up and running and everyone has been warned that they will be give specific chores to do and to not do them will gain them the wrath of Green Mom. When I was growing up everyone had a back yard garden and many like my Dad had community plot gardens also but living in aparements in town made it nearly impossible but now we have 4 acres and I intend to put it to good and teach everyone the real joy of eating corn on the cob or tomatoes warmed by the sun that you have grown yourself. Hey I might even get some chickens.
I love to be green!
I love to be green!
I am challenging myself this year to buy as little new stuff as possible, instead trading with friends and relatives for the things I need, shopping at used clothing venues, also not throwing stuff away that I no longer need. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I am challenging myself this year to buy as little new stuff as possible, instead trading with friends and relatives for the things I need, shopping at used clothing venues, also not throwing stuff away that I no longer need. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Added the button to our blog as well. So glad to be a part of this again. Thanks!
Added the button to our blog as well. So glad to be a part of this again. Thanks!
I am getting ready to plant my kitchen garden. I compost my peelings and other organic matter such as grass clippings and leaves, to use as fertilizer for my garden.
I am getting ready to plant my kitchen garden. I compost my peelings and other organic matter such as grass clippings and leaves, to use as fertilizer for my garden.
My approach to green living is not only in buying products made of “green” or branded “green” but trying to life a lifestyle that is naturally green.
I challenge myself to think of many uses for each item, how I can recycle by not throwing things out, rather using them in a different way.
I eat greens – and they come in plastic containers which can by recycled, but instead I use them for sewing storage…they work quite well for storing nail polishes or extra’s of any kind. When I have used them to their last leg, then it’s time to turn it in for recycling. (I have been using them for over a year and so far, so good.
My approach to green living is not only in buying products made of “green” or branded “green” but trying to life a lifestyle that is naturally green.
I challenge myself to think of many uses for each item, how I can recycle by not throwing things out, rather using them in a different way.
I eat greens – and they come in plastic containers which can by recycled, but instead I use them for sewing storage…they work quite well for storing nail polishes or extra’s of any kind. When I have used them to their last leg, then it’s time to turn it in for recycling. (I have been using them for over a year and so far, so good.
Motivation to go Greener is essential to keep businesses and people thinking with the Earth in mind. Great work Jen on putting together creative giveaways to motivate people to make a better choice. There are all kinds of fun and cool alternatives to hedge our consumption lifestyle. Happy Earth Day!
Motivation to go Greener is essential to keep businesses and people thinking with the Earth in mind. Great work Jen on putting together creative giveaways to motivate people to make a better choice. There are all kinds of fun and cool alternatives to hedge our consumption lifestyle. Happy Earth Day!
What a great idea. I always make a point of turning all the lights out whenever I leave a room. If I see lights on elsewhere that are not needed I will also make the effort to go and turn them off. Another big thing is making sure you do not watse water when brushing your teeth. So many people leave the tap on full blast all the time. Next time you are in this position stop and think.
What a great idea. I always make a point of turning all the lights out whenever I leave a room. If I see lights on elsewhere that are not needed I will also make the effort to go and turn them off. Another big thing is making sure you do not watse water when brushing your teeth. So many people leave the tap on full blast all the time. Next time you are in this position stop and think.
We are preparing to celebrate the earth day with my family.
Followed you on tweeter!
We are preparing to celebrate the earth day with my family.
Followed you on tweeter!
.-= Kitchen Canister´s last blog ..About Us =-.
We are preparing to celebrate the earth day with my family.
Followed you on tweeter!
We are preparing to celebrate the earth day with my family.
Followed you on tweeter!
.-= Kitchen Canister´s last blog ..About Us =-.
What a great idea. I always make a point of turning all the lights out whenever I leave a room. If I see lights on elsewhere that are not needed I will also make the effort to go and turn them off. Another big thing is making sure you do not watse water when brushing your teeth. So many people leave the tap on full blast all the time. Next time you are in this position stop and think. Every little helps.
.-= Adam @ Paper Lamp Shades´s last blog ..Privacy =-.
What a great idea. I always make a point of turning all the lights out whenever I leave a room. If I see lights on elsewhere that are not needed I will also make the effort to go and turn them off. Another big thing is making sure you do not watse water when brushing your teeth. So many people leave the tap on full blast all the time. Next time you are in this position stop and think. Every little helps.
.-= Adam @ Paper Lamp Shades´s last blog ..Privacy =-.
I always turn down the heat/air if I amg leaving the house. I also make sure that everything is unplugged if not in use. Every little bit helps.
I always turn down the heat/air if I amg leaving the house. I also make sure that everything is unplugged if not in use. Every little bit helps.
Green Tip:
On sunny days open your blinds and curtains, the sun can help heat your house and you also won’t need to turn on any lights saving even more energy!
.-= Lisa @Retro Housewife Goes Green´s last blog ..I Won Three Awards! =-.
Green Tip:
On sunny days open your blinds and curtains, the sun can help heat your house and you also won’t need to turn on any lights saving even more energy!
.-= Lisa @Retro Housewife Goes Green´s last blog ..I Won Three Awards! =-.
I also added button at
http://www.taraburner.com/blog 🙂
.-= Tara Burner´s last blog ..Work and play =-.
I also added button at
http://www.taraburner.com/blog 🙂
.-= Tara Burner´s last blog ..Work and play =-.
I posted the link at
and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Affordable-Mineral-Makeup/51207680956
and put the button up at http://www.basicmineralmakeup.com
.-= Tara Burner´s last blog ..Work and play =-.
I posted the link at
and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Affordable-Mineral-Makeup/51207680956
and put the button up at http://www.basicmineralmakeup.com
.-= Tara Burner´s last blog ..Work and play =-.
Great post, very encouraging to motivate people get “greener”
Great post, very encouraging to motivate people get “greener”