Going green is no longer just a personal decision. Today, many leaders are eager to make eco-conscious decisions in their entire business, too.
For many, the decision to use more environmentally friendly business measures provides a twofold benefit. On the one hand, it feels good to contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable society. On the other, green measures tend to come with their fair share of financial perks, too. Not convinced? Here’s a look at five ways small businesses grow their wealth and their business by going green.
1. Use Alternative Energy
Electricity plays a fundamental role in running your business. While you can’t cut electricity out of your daily operations entirely, there are more eco-friendly — and cost-effective — alternatives you may prefer to use instead.
Alternative energy sources, such as solar polar, wind, hydropower and plant matter, constitute what we commonly call “green power.” These energy sources are the safest for the Earth and far less dangerous than traditional electrical sources that rely on fossil fuel emissions to create power.
Making the switch to green power doesn’t have to be drastic, either. Try smaller changes, such as swapping out your current battery chargers with solar-powered alternatives. As you enjoy the impact of these incremental changes, you may find yourself motivated to change your energy usage on a larger scale.
2. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Did you know businesses alone contribute to 40% of carbon emissions in the U.S.? Not only is the environment taking a hit from the daily operations of business endeavors, but your business is likely to suffer as a result, too.
Adopting greener efforts is a straightforward way to reduce your carbon footprint and business costs. Small acts, such as turning appliances off at the end of the workday and investing in more energy-efficient technology and heating or cooling systems, can create a positive long-term impact.
3. Enjoy Tax Credits
In many regions, the government is on board when it comes to eco-conscious efforts. That’s why in some areas, businesses enjoy tax credits when going green.
To motivate business leaders to be more mindful about how they navigate their daily operations, environmental tax incentives offer countless deductions and credits — all for investing in the natural world and protecting it.
Research the various environmental tax credits available to businesses to see how you can cut costs today.
4. Donate Old Technology and Upgrade Instead
You may think your frugality is saving Mother Earth by keeping older technology out of landfills. But in reality, holding on to old, energy-sucking appliances ends up doing the environment more harm than good.
So if your employees have already expressed frustration toward your computers from the early 2000s, now may the time to replace them. Re-home old devices by donating them to charity and replace your former technology with newer, more energy-efficient alternatives instead.
5. Attract Eco-Conscious Employees
Becoming a green business is a team effort. When your employees support your eco-conscious efforts, it makes it easier to go green and cut costs.
So how do you attract better employees who will support your small business’ green lifestyle? Since 96% of millennial workers alone are concerned about the environment, the act of shared values is often enough to capture the attention of the prospective workers you seek.
Get involved with your community and expand your green efforts to get the word out about your business. You may capture the interest of your future team members in the process.
Are you ready to make the leap to a green business? This simple decision comes with a wide range of benefits — ranging from cost-saving incentives to an increased level of personal satisfaction from contributing to a better future.
Not sure how to get started? Begin by taking small steps today. Simple shifts toward a better environment can lead to tremendous improvements — both inside and outside your business.
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