Going green at work isn’t just going to cut down the energy bills, it’s also going make your office a lot healthier and productive. The technology is constantly evolving and getting smarter. It’s also likely a lot of the new gadgets will conveniently fit your budget.
Here are the top ten eco-friendly gadgets you absolutely must have at work:
- iBamboo: Most offices wouldn’t have a iPad or iPhone dock with speakers, but if your office needs music here’s the best gadget you could buy. The iBamboo, as the name suggests, is made of recycled bamboo. The speaker is relatively good and the materials are surprisingly sturdy.
- Sunny: This is for those business owners who have their phones on all the time. If you spend the day texting and emailing from your smartphone, a solar-powered phone cover is probably a good idea. Sunny fits the iPhone 6 and has nearly met its indiegogo target for funding, so if you want a demo version back this now.
- Ray Solar-Powered Suction Charger: This is the perfect device for those who work near a massive window with plenty of natural sunlight. Instead of drawing power from the mains to power your laptop or phone, this nifty little piece sticks onto the window and lets you power the devices with solar energy. It’s been designed as a phone charger, so don’t plug it into energy hungry devices for too long.
- Gota Dishwasher: The Gota Dishwasher is designed for small loads that can be cleaned by efficiently limiting water and power use. Basically, this dishwasher avoids waste and helps you save water and energy. Especially useful if you have a small team and not a lot of dishes leftover at the end of the work day.
- Eco Button: Eco Button has been around for nearly ten years now. It’s a small button that fits into your desktop and lets you conserve energy while you step away. All it takes to activate the device is one simple push of the button. Over time you’ll probably start tapping the button subconsciously when you step away from your desk.
- Eco Switch: Most devices simply keep sucking energy from the socket even when turned off or in standby mode. This is known as Vampire Energy Use and it is a massive drain on your office resources. Smart wall socket gadgets like the eco switch help cut power the energy drain off. This is one of those rare devices you’ll see instant results with when you get the power bill at the end of the month.
Going green at work isn’t just a trend, it’s absolutely necessary for the planet. And going green at home is necessary too. Take the first step with any of these small, smart devices and make your office a lot more energy efficient.
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