I had such an insanely successful weekend giveaway with Mama Goes Green’s Better Life Trio, I decided to take a break from Flaunt it! Monday this week. I think my clients would appreciate if I did something other then approve comments for the next few days. Look for another great Flaunt It! Monday next Monday.
A whole new world:
Meanwhile, there are tons of announcements on the home front and nationwide I would like to share with you. First, if you are on the Eco-Office Gals site right now you may notice it is COMPLETELY different. If you are reading this in your email or reader please come check out the new site and tell me what you think! Joe, of Zealous Marketing has been wonderful enough to turn Eco-Office Gals up a notch for the new year and I really love it! Yes, we have a few bugs to work out, but once it is complete I think you will be impressed.
New Pages:
I have added a few pages to the site over the last few weeks. The first is a Flaunt It! Monday sponsorship page. Here you will find the basic outline of the Flaunt It! Monday process. If you have an eco-friendly product and would like to strut your stuff, come check out this page. Second, I have created a page to spotlight Eco-Office Gals. Whether it be kudos, recommendations, awards, or honorable mentions, you will now find them on the Raves page.
New Places:
Eco-Office Gals will start writing a monthly post for 5 Minutes For Going Green. I was more then flattered when I was accepted for this spot, since some of the other writers are bloggers and greenies I look up to. They set the standards and recognition I hope to achieve in my own business. I hope to learn and grow from this experience and welcome any suggestions for my guest spot as well as what you would like to learn more about here on Eco-Office Gals.
Outside My Box:
This week is not all about Eco-Office Gals changing. If you just woke up from hibernation tomorrow may come as a surprise to you. Obama will become the 44th president of the United States and I am very excited to see and be part of the change he offers with his presidency. No matter who you voted for in the election I hope we can all unite tomorrow and turn this trainwreck we call the economy, the environment, the war on terrorism (insert more here) around. Just like growing green one person can’t do it alone and every little step you take counts.
Additionally, it is Martin Luther King Day today. I wish you a happy and healthy day today and hope you will take a moment to reflect on the change he made long ago that makes tomorrow’s event possible!
So, go forth and conquer this week and with everything you do, Grow Green!
I for one am very optimistic of the future with Obama. His team look a lot stronger than those fools who surrounded George W. And green issues are at the top of the agenda, even appearing in their foreign policy which is remarkable.
Ray´s last blog post..London City Airport Parking – Weekend stays – £108.00
I for one am very optimistic of the future with Obama. His team look a lot stronger than those fools who surrounded George W. And green issues are at the top of the agenda, even appearing in their foreign policy which is remarkable.
Ray´s last blog post..London City Airport Parking – Weekend stays – £108.00