Hosting websites takes HUGE amounts of energy. You may not think of it when you sit in your home office and your host serves is located in some other state. However, if you ever have a chance to go to a corporate office that has their own servers, take a walk in the room. I guarantee…. it will be sub zero in there, bet you thought I would say hot right? No, they keep it climate controlled at super cold levels so the servers don’t over heat.
Many people choose their web host for various reasons. Cost, uptime, features available, etc. Although, you may not take the time to consider where the energy comes from when you are deciding.
There are several options for green hosting, here are a few for you to check out:
HostGator: When I started Eco-Office Gals, HostGator was recommended because I was going to be using WordPress for my platform. However, when I checked out the site and saw they had recently made the move to wind powered hosting, I felt it was a good fit for me. My choice has been very satisfying, they have top notch customer service and were quick to follow me on Twitter and offer assistance when I sent out a question to my followers!
The basics:
- 130% Wind powered from local Texas wind farms. They’re not just neutralizing our environmental impact, they’re reversing it!
- Green-e Certified RECs: All of HostGators REC’s have been registered, verified, and retired from the market.
Sommer of Green & Clean Mom picked Solar Powered Web Site Hosting provided by AISO.Net
Many hosting companies use carbon offsets or some of their hosting efforts are “green” but with AISO they are 100% solar powered. I had reservations, thinking I would have down time and it wouldn’t be reliable. This isn’t the case but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been glitches. I’ve had WordPress issues that happened to be simple code changes and when there was an issue, I made a call got a human being to talk to and it was quickly fixed. AISO runs on solar panels that run their data center and office. Solar tubes bring in natural light from the outside during the day, making everything about AISO green. Read more here. Besides being solar powered, they are friendly and quick to reply.
Jenn of The Green Parent uses Dream Host for her hosting:
“Love, Love, Love Dreamhost! Their service is easy to use, even for folks (like me!) who don’t know their FTP from their PHP. Their customer service is outstanding, and as a greenie, I’m thrilled that they offer green, carbon neutral hosting.”
Dreamhost, the Basics:
- purchases Renewable Energy Credits and neutralizes unavoidable emissions by investing in Emission Reduction Credits (a.k.a. “offsets”) which guarantee their remaining impact is effectively erased.
- Green-e Certified RECs
All options have plans that run around $5-$10 per month so cost isn’t a factor. Finding a host that suits you needs and cares about the environment is what matters!
Do you have a green hosting company you recommend? Share some green wisdom below and let us know about it!
All the best,
Francis@modern sectional sofa says
Yes, huge servers needs a lot of energy because they need to cool the super computers that generate informations every second and that heats up the servers. The more servers they use the more energy they consume. I’m glad they found a solution for this, I just hope it stable and reliable.
Francis@modern sectional sofa says
Yes, huge servers needs a lot of energy because they need to cool the super computers that generate informations every second and that heats up the servers. The more servers they use the more energy they consume. I’m glad they found a solution for this, I just hope it stable and reliable.
Kerry says
I really liked your blog!
Kerry says
I really liked your blog!
ken@uk web hosting says
Most hosting companies can be green they just have to buy power from green sources. One thing in the Uk we are thinking about is buying power from wave power. They are testing it off the coast in some areas and it looks promissing so far.
ken@uk web hosting says
Most hosting companies can be green they just have to buy power from green sources. One thing in the Uk we are thinking about is buying power from wave power. They are testing it off the coast in some areas and it looks promissing so far.
Beth - Smart Family Tips says
Thanks for this post. I use Hostgator and have been happy with them so far. I am extremely pleased that they’ve decided to adopt green practices. I think it’s great that green hosting is starting to catch on.
Beth – Smart Family Tips´s last blog post..Environmental Working Group (EWG) Video
Anonymous says
Thanks for this post. I use Hostgator and have been happy with them so far. I am extremely pleased that they’ve decided to adopt green practices. I think it’s great that green hosting is starting to catch on.
Beth – Smart Family Tips´s last blog post..Environmental Working Group (EWG) Video
Chelle@Pittsburgh Junk Removal says
Wow, I never really thought about my hosting before! We do a lot to try to keep eco-friendly in our business and it’d be nice to say we even use an eco friendly webhost. I’ll have to go check their site and see what I can find out.
Chelle´s last blog post..Pittsburgh Steelers are Going to The Super Bowl!
Chelle@Pittsburgh Junk Removal says
Wow, I never really thought about my hosting before! We do a lot to try to keep eco-friendly in our business and it’d be nice to say we even use an eco friendly webhost. I’ll have to go check their site and see what I can find out.
Chelle´s last blog post..Pittsburgh Steelers are Going to The Super Bowl!
Sommer says
Great post and very useful information that most people aren’t aware of. I love your site design. Fun and very easy to use. How are you liking it?
Sommer´s last blog post..Organic Meals on a Budget: Leftover Creations
Sommer says
Great post and very useful information that most people aren’t aware of. I love your site design. Fun and very easy to use. How are you liking it?
Sommer´s last blog post..Organic Meals on a Budget: Leftover Creations
John@ Contemporary Furniture says
That’s great news indeed. I have no idea these servers could use up a lot of energy. In fact, I’m not even sure what they do because I have friends taking care of hosting for me. I better make sure that thy check out HostGator. Thanks for the tip. 😀
John@ Contemporary Furniture says
That’s great news indeed. I have no idea these servers could use up a lot of energy. In fact, I’m not even sure what they do because I have friends taking care of hosting for me. I better make sure that thy check out HostGator. Thanks for the tip. 😀