Concern for the state of the environment is spurring more and more companies to seek sustainable business practices. Not only can a company adopt green practices and materials within the business, they can also provide incentives to encourage employees to use sustainable travel options.
Go Electric
Any business that utilizes vehicles as a normal part of their day should consider switching to electric cars or trucks. If the business involves short trips within a small geographic area, electric cars are a good option. As more electric depots become available, the range of the fleet will also increase.
Natural Gas
Vehicles that run on either compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas are becoming more affordable. America’s natural gas highway infrastructure is being built. Even the trucking industry is exploring converting their fleets to gas.
Other Fuel Options
Biomass fueled vehicles are being developed, and an estimated four million current cars can be altered to run on biogas or biodiesel. Many can also run on E85, an 85 percent ethanol-15 percent gasoline mixture. Some cars can also be converted to run on used cooking oil. This could be a great choice for the restaurant that offers delivery service.
Eliminate Idling
Unless the vehicles currently in use are diesel fueled and must be left running in cold weather, there is no need for a car to be left running while not moving. Although this is a common practice for food or other delivery drivers, it produces greenhouse gases. Consider a policy that forbids idling while on duty.
Human Powered
Bicycles can be a viable option for the business that delivers products or uses courier services, particularly in large urban centers. Often a bicycle courier can travel more quickly than an auto in a city like New York, not to mention they are completely environmentally friendly.
Consider Using LTL Providers
LTL providers or less than load providers can be a valuable asset for the small manufacturer or shipper. Working with a service prevents wasting gas hauling a partial load of goods.
Incentive Carpooling
By encouraging employees to carpool, both petroleum use and pollution can be reduced. Incentives could be choice reserved parking spots or even a small monthly cash stipend.
Eliminating wasteful transportation practices can go a long way in reducing greenhouse gases and oil depletion. A company that adopts sustainability as a core value will not only help the planet, but will also create a positive impression on Eco-friendly customers.
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