Stocking stuffers, we tend not to do them in this house. I find that there is just too much junk that goes into them, candy, junk toys from the dollar store, etc. I’d rather take the money I would spend on a bunch of junk and get one more decent gift. BUT this year I’ve discovered a cute gift that may make me think twice.
Piggy Paint™ is specially formulated from God’s natural ingredients and dries to a hard, durable finish. There are no toxic chemicals; it’s free of formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, Bisphenol A, ethyl acetate and acetone. Click here to see how our polish compares!
Say good-bye to harsh, smelly chemicals and hello to Piggy Paint™…it’s as Natural as Mud!
My girls are girlie girls, so Piggy Paint was a huge hit. There are many cute colors to choose from, it would be hard for me to choose. Luckily, I didn’t have to, my sample was randomly selected for me. They sent us a bottle of Forever Fancy & a bottle of their Nail Polish Remover to try out on our piggy’s, yes I am sporting some on my piggy’s, too. I tend to be very sensitive to the harsh smell of nail polish. My girls probably even think I’m a little mean because I almost NEVER paint there nails. I just can’t stand the smell, I have to really get in the mood to deal with it. Piggy Paint is almost void off all harsh scents! It dries fairly quickly and lasts as long as other mainstream nail polish.
I originally tried the Remover on my leftover black nail polish from Halloween, it didn’t seem to touch it. So, this morning I gave it a shot on the piggy paint. It takes more scrubbing then regular remover, the bottle says to soak the nail with a saturated cotton ball for 30 seconds, I don’t have any cotton balls and the TP wasn’t cutting it. So, I’m not currently having much luck with the remover.
I love all the holiday gift sets available! They have Mistle Toes shown to the left, what a perfect Christmas Eve gift! They also have Dreidel Dreams, Kolors of Kwanzaa as well as gift sets for other occasions and holidays as well.
Piggy Paint is offering all our readers a coupon code use OFFICE10L expiration January 31, 2011 for 10% off on anything on the Website including sale items!
How about winning some Piggy Paint to dress up your piggy’s for the Holidays? Piggy Paint is giving away a $15 gift code to one of my readers! Do as many of the below as you wish and leave a separate comment for each one:
- Visit Piggy Paint and comment here on which color or gift set you would love to buy if you won the GC.
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post.
- Follow @piggypaint on Twitter or become a Fan on Facebook and comment that you did.
- Tweet this giveaway
- Stumble this giveaway
- Use other forms of social networking to spread the word about this giveaway.
- Subscribe to my feed to stay up to date with the latest from Eco-Office Gals.
- Buy anything from Piggy Paint and comment 5 times that you did! Don’t forget to use the coupon code! (I will confirm)
The deadline for entering is Friday 12/03/10 at 8pm EST at which time one winner will be randomly chosen. Please don’t forget to leave a separate entry for each one of the above that you do and any entries that show obvious laziness i.e. a simple “Thanks for the great giveaway” will not be published therefore not counted. It’s just not fair for the people that do know how to follow simple directions. US residents only. Thanks!
(In compliance with the new FTC Guildlines, please note that this is a sponsored post. I was given these products to test and review free of charge. However, I was not paid for the review and the opinions are my own.)
Sorry for the delay, been a busy week – The winner is….
i follow piggy paint on twitter. 1amypugmire
Anonymous says
if i won, i would get the sometimes sweet
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
nicole says
Shared on my FB page
nicole says
I subscribe via RSS google reader
nicole says
nicole says
I follow Piggy Paint on Twitter @pittsy82
nicole says
I would love to get the Clouds of Candy and the Angel Kisses!
Anonymous says
I’m an email subscriber.
Anonymous says
I would get Angel Kisses.
Atreau says
I’d love to try Ice Cream Dream.
Mellissa C says
I would buy the Clown-N-Around Gift Set.
Trippyjanet says
I like Sometimes Sweet
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
Claudia says
Lots of cute stuff, I like the tea party for two. Thanks
shawna says
I would like the Cotton Candy Gift Set
Mom2anutball says
Piggy Paint Twitter follower {mom2anutball}
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Mom2anutball says
I would choose Tea Party for Two if I won!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Ashley R says
Ashley R says
Subscribe to your RSS feed via google reader!
Ashley R says
Follow Piggy Paint on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
Ashley R says
“Like” Piggy Paint on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
Ashley R says
I’d love to get the Girls Rule! color!
Jannajanna says
I would get clouds of candy!
Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Amypugmire says
email subscriber.
Amypugmire says
i tweeted
Amypugmire says
i follow piggy paint on twitter. 1amypugmire
Amypugmire says
fb fan of piggy paint. amy bolda pugmire
Amypugmire says
i would love forever fancy
Jessica says
I like the “Candy Coated” color
Vicky Boackle says
i like ice cream dream.
Aimee says
princess piggy package would be awesome for my 3 yr old who tells me shes a princess 🙂
Anonymous says
I subscribe to your rss feed in google reader.
Anonymous says
I follow piggy paint on twitter as kmayans.
Anonymous says
I would love to buy dragon tears color if I won.
Austma7 says
I like the Ice Cream Dream color.
claire says
I would like Tip of the Iceberg-white.
Jackie says
Followed on Twitter.
Jackie says
I love the Princess Piggy Package! Especially Ice Cream Dream, Dragon Tears and Tea Party for Two. My neice would love it!
Kayla Fioravanti says
How cute!
Slb3334 says
the snowflake fairy gift set.