Going green is not just for the home. Office buildings account for 19% of all commercial energy consumption, more than any other type of building. So the environmental reasons for going green in the office are crystal clear. But evidence suggests that a green office does not only reward the environment – it actually rewards those working in it.
A recent study examined 12 office buildings and their employees in England and India. The study found no correlation between satisfaction at work and high energy consumption. In both countries, buildings that combined air conditioning with natural ventilation reported higher employee satisfaction. Seasonal illnesses (i.e. colds, allergies, etc.) were lowest in naturally ventilated office buildings. Environmentally speaking, ventilated buildings create 50% fewer emissions than those that are centrally air conditioned.
Creating a Green Office
A green and happy office begins with nature. Natural lighting and natural ventilation save energy and create a more breathable work environment, be it at home or in a commercial building. Take the rapid rise to prominence of LEED certified commercial buildings as evidence of the economic benefits of the green office. But it goes beyond economics to benefit environment and employees as well.
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), 88% of energy expenditures in office buildings are for electricity. Office equipment and lighting account for nearly half of the energy used. So, finding a method to save on electricity costs is another big way to save money and green an office. Natural lighting is, of course, one way to save, and new ideas are in the works. Researchers in Canada have developed a unique passive solar lighting system that may soon revolutionize office building design.
More efficient office equipment and energy conservation techniques are other steps. Energy Star estimates that if every piece of office equipment purchased this year were Energy Star qualified, Americans would save $200 million in energy costs. Such devices typically have automatic standby modes and other programs that prevent them from sapping energy when not in use.
With 88% of costs going to electricity, solar power is an obvious and vital factor in greening the office and saving cash for any employer. Solar is expensive up-front, yes, but for heavy energy consumers like office buildings, they are the most cost-effective. In general, the more energy you consume, the faster the return on your solar investment.
Working from home? Even better, as you can put the home solar power system to work for your own office. Bring your coffee maker and computer off the grid and make the family happy as well!
Creating a Happy Workforce
So how do these and other green office options make the employees any happier? We’ve already established that a green, well-ventilated office creates a healthier environment. And anyone who’s ever been sick understands that they are much happier and productive when healthy. But there is also the satisfaction of being a part of something that is bigger than us.
The knowledge that the copy machine or computer he or she is using runs on solar power can be very powerful knowledge. It can make even the most menial tasks rewarding in a new and unprecedented way. Solar power and eco-friendliness are a movement. A recent poll showed that 92% of Americans want solar power development scaled up in the United States. How nice it would be, as an employee, to know that very wish was being fulfilled at your own office?
There other ways to get employees directly involved in creating a happy, green office. Recycling is an obvious step, but anything from taking the stairs to adding real air-cleansing plants also helps. Encouraging employees to walk, ride bikes, carpool or take mass transit to work is another key step that many companies are taking. Again, it contributes the triple bottom line by protecting the environment while keeping employees healthier and more active. An employee who walks or rides to work can enter an office with natural air and light flowing through it and feel that much better as they settle into the work day.
The hope is that the obvious economic, environmental and social benefits – that triple-bottom line of sustainable business – in green building will inspire an increasing number of architects, engineers and business owners to build and renovate green offices. The correlation found by researchers between a green office and a happy workforce should help to put a green seal on future office plans.
photo credit: Advanced Solar Photonic’s
It is really an innovative idea to set up green office. Most of people like to work in pleasant atmosphere. It is such a great experience to work in a natural atmosphere.
The jurisdiction of a copier or a computer, he or she uses the sun’s energy is very powerful knowledge. It can make the most objective of the new black award and unprecedented. Solar energy and environmentally friendly companies.
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The jurisdiction of a copier or a computer, he or she uses the sun’s energy is very powerful knowledge. It can make the most objective of the new black award and unprecedented. Solar energy and environmentally friendly companies.
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It is such a good survey for office employee. It is true that a Green Office is a Happy Office. I always like to work in natural atmosphere. You can feel relax and nice in natural air than air conditioning air.
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I think going green probably has a few more costs up front but these generally come back to you pretty quickly with all the savings you make. Even if going green does cost more (which I dont think it rally does) – then the benefits to the environment should make it worth it.
.-= Cari @ Cleopatra Halloween Costume´s last blog ..Privacy =-.
I think going green probably has a few more costs up front but these generally come back to you pretty quickly with all the savings you make. Even if going green does cost more (which I dont think it rally does) – then the benefits to the environment should make it worth it.
.-= Cari @ Cleopatra Halloween Costume´s last blog ..Privacy =-.
Green Friendly Home Office Window Treatments:
Look for window treatments that allow you to incrementally filter the light. This will let you minimize sunlight when you’re working at your computer to reduce glare on your screen, while allowing you to enjoy reading or meeting with colleagues and clients.
Green Friendly Home Office Window Treatments:
Look for window treatments that allow you to incrementally filter the light. This will let you minimize sunlight when you’re working at your computer to reduce glare on your screen, while allowing you to enjoy reading or meeting with colleagues and clients.
‘Consider refillable, remanufactured and biodegradable products, plus those that are energy efficient, non-toxic and made or powered by renewable energy.’ The words hint at something environmentally friendly, but are they really?
Much like the word “organic” was used freely years ago, the word “green” and all its synonyms are appearing everywhere and on everything, this widespread use/misuse has even earned its own name: “greenwashing”
Everybody should be making an effort play their part in minimising our impact on the planet and supporting ‘green’ products and/or initiatives is a way to do that. However, keep in mind the following when out on your search for eco-friendly products :
Get Clued Up – stating the obvious here but it pays to know which of the multitude of products available, are what they say they are. Make sure you confirm your findings via a secondary source don’t just take the manufacturers word for it.
Power Hungry – finding out how much energy the product uses is a good way to determine a product’s efficiency. Also pay attention to how much energy was used in its creation, which includes both energy used in its production, acquisition of the raw materials, and the sustainability of those raw materials themselves.
Find out the Back Story – Look for companies that have an authentic story to tell, more often than not these are family-run businesses, community cooperatives and other smaller groups.
It’s all about Brands baby – Some day, hopefully soon, there will be a definitive industry standard label for authentic green products. For now, you’ll have to rely on the industry’s mixed bag of labels.
So be wary on your eco-crusade for green office, remember buyer beware.
‘Consider refillable, remanufactured and biodegradable products, plus those that are energy efficient, non-toxic and made or powered by renewable energy.’ The words hint at something environmentally friendly, but are they really?
Much like the word “organic” was used freely years ago, the word “green” and all its synonyms are appearing everywhere and on everything, this widespread use/misuse has even earned its own name: “greenwashing”
Everybody should be making an effort play their part in minimising our impact on the planet and supporting ‘green’ products and/or initiatives is a way to do that. However, keep in mind the following when out on your search for eco-friendly products :
Get Clued Up – stating the obvious here but it pays to know which of the multitude of products available, are what they say they are. Make sure you confirm your findings via a secondary source don’t just take the manufacturers word for it.
Power Hungry – finding out how much energy the product uses is a good way to determine a product’s efficiency. Also pay attention to how much energy was used in its creation, which includes both energy used in its production, acquisition of the raw materials, and the sustainability of those raw materials themselves.
Find out the Back Story – Look for companies that have an authentic story to tell, more often than not these are family-run businesses, community cooperatives and other smaller groups.
It’s all about Brands baby – Some day, hopefully soon, there will be a definitive industry standard label for authentic green products. For now, you’ll have to rely on the industry’s mixed bag of labels.
So be wary on your eco-crusade for green office, remember buyer beware.
I thoroughly enjoy your commentary, tips, and other tid-bits about how to “go green” at work. The “green office,” “green tips,” and “flaunt it Monday” sections are of particular interest to me and I find them informative and entertaining! I would like to share a link with you to one of our clients. Grenk is a Kansas City-based ink recycling company that is as dedicated to environmentally friendly business practices as you are. They have released a video titled “Green Office Tips” that discusses different green office policies that they have adopted. http://tinyurl.com/ybb32zj
I thoroughly enjoy your commentary, tips, and other tid-bits about how to “go green” at work. The “green office,” “green tips,” and “flaunt it Monday” sections are of particular interest to me and I find them informative and entertaining! I would like to share a link with you to one of our clients. Grenk is a Kansas City-based ink recycling company that is as dedicated to environmentally friendly business practices as you are. They have released a video titled “Green Office Tips” that discusses different green office policies that they have adopted. http://tinyurl.com/ybb32zj
It’s a sad state of affairs when it takes a study to show us that we’re happier with sunlight and fresh air than we are without it!
It’s a sad state of affairs when it takes a study to show us that we’re happier with sunlight and fresh air than we are without it!
I know that at my old business college building in Syracuse they have added some solar panels in an effort to go green. It’s good to see the evolution of things with this green movement!
I know that at my old business college building in Syracuse they have added some solar panels in an effort to go green. It’s good to see the evolution of things with this green movement!
It’s a well-known fact that an office that uses sun as it’s main light will increase productivity. All places I’ve worked where there was little to no light from the sun, people were not as productive as they could have been (i.e. call center). Just look at how people act when it’s cloudy. They won’t be as joyful or productive.
It’s a well-known fact that an office that uses sun as it’s main light will increase productivity. All places I’ve worked where there was little to no light from the sun, people were not as productive as they could have been (i.e. call center). Just look at how people act when it’s cloudy. They won’t be as joyful or productive.
In Korea and some parts of Asia, people use their cell phones as a credit card/ coupon. Their cell phones get some kind of digital bar coding and when presented to the merchant…it is like a coupon that does not need to be printed. Their phones also are linked to their bank accounts.
I haven’t written anything on this yet…but it is such a great concept!
.-= Cherry Worring´s last blog ..Handling a stressful commute…ideas??? =-.
In Korea and some parts of Asia, people use their cell phones as a credit card/ coupon. Their cell phones get some kind of digital bar coding and when presented to the merchant…it is like a coupon that does not need to be printed. Their phones also are linked to their bank accounts.
I haven’t written anything on this yet…but it is such a great concept!
.-= Cherry Worring´s last blog ..Handling a stressful commute…ideas??? =-.
Back in my college days there was some study of a few buildings that referred to ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ – it basically was a building that made people feel sick, or actually become more prone to illness.
So many of the green office options would alleviate so many of those concerns – natural light, good ventilation, etc. It is sad that we have become so dependent on electricity and forgotten about the power of nature.
As for the EnergyStar devices – for those that don’t have them, I just wrote a post about Smart Strips that may be of interest to people (energystar or not) that help people turn off all products by just turning off one. Makes it easy and saves some money too.
Great article – StumbledIt!
.-= Sam@Eco Friendly Tips´s last blog ..Smart Strips – A Green Way of Saving Money and Electricity =-.
Back in my college days there was some study of a few buildings that referred to ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ – it basically was a building that made people feel sick, or actually become more prone to illness.
So many of the green office options would alleviate so many of those concerns – natural light, good ventilation, etc. It is sad that we have become so dependent on electricity and forgotten about the power of nature.
As for the EnergyStar devices – for those that don’t have them, I just wrote a post about Smart Strips that may be of interest to people (energystar or not) that help people turn off all products by just turning off one. Makes it easy and saves some money too.
Great article – StumbledIt!
.-= Sam@Eco Friendly Tips´s last blog ..Smart Strips – A Green Way of Saving Money and Electricity =-.