Operating a business with an eye toward eco-friendly practices helps keep the planet green and offers monetary benefits like lower electricity bills and less trash. Green friendly bathrooms provide a safe environment for employees and also offer a pleasant experience for guests who visit the office. Consider the following projects for creating a greener, safer washroom:
1. Replace toilet paper
The easiest step to take in transforming the bathroom is to change out all of the paper products and replace them with non-chlorinated toilet paper that comes from recycled materials. It may be possible to eliminate hand napkins completely with the use of air dryers, but toilet paper is a necessary component in a bathroom, so it’s important to use recycled materials. Although recycled products sometimes cost more than their wasteful brethren, a little research into toilet paper prices should result in some recycled toilet paper that is around the same price as the regular kind.
2. Install flow restrictors
Replacing the full allotment of devices in a bathroom is a fairly intense task and may cost hundreds of dollars. An inexpensive alternative is the installation of a flow restrictor, which will reduce how much water passes through the faucets and toilets in the bathroom. Utilising a flow restrictor is often a great idea for a company that must budget green changes in the future yet wants to start saving the planet without delay.
3. Remove chemicals from the room
Most cleaners for the bathroom use harsh chemicals that have all sorts of health warnings plastered on the sides of the bottles. Switching to eco-friendly cleaners helps keep employees healthy and also reduces the chemicals that end up in the water supply. With a little creativity, it’s actually possible to mix up some homemade cleansers that work just as well as their chemically infused counterparts. These simple cleaning solutions use harmless substances like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. If you are using a professional washroom services provider like Initial, check what products they use.
4. Purchase low-flow toilets
Full replacement of toilets with new models in the “low flow” category offers one of the biggest potential savings in water usage in the average bathroom. Anyone who remembers the poorly designed low-flow toilets of the mid-1990s shouldn’t need to worry about faulty flushing today. Updated designs for low-flow toilets get the job done, and there are even dual-flush toilets today that offer two different types of flushes for different types of waste.
5. Install automatic faucets
Although the initial installation of automatic faucets may require some upfront investment, the resulting savings in water may be immense. For companies willing to replace faucets, the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that a WaterSense labeled faucet may save 30 percent of the water used by a regular faucet.
After steps have been taken to create a green-friendly environment within the bathroom, a company-wide meeting to discuss those changes ensures everyone knows what to expect from the refurbishment. Establishing eco-friendly devices and engaging in green practices in the office may inspire employees to return home and implement some of those healthy earth-saving habits in their own homes.
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