Colours have the ability to affect our mood and many of us think carefully about which colour scheme to use in our homes but the same level of consideration into designing the right colour scheme for your office could certainly pay dividends.
If you manage to choose a colour scheme that makes the office feel more welcoming and calming amongst other attributes, then there is a good chance that you will create an excellent arena for productivity and positivity.
The power of colour
Colour has the ability to influence our moods and can even have a profound effect on the way you feel but it can also raise or lower your heartbeat.
The power of colour and its effects on us is a complex subject and is further complicated by the fact that our own individual personality traits mean we can all experience a slightly different response to different colours, although each specific colour has a general influence that has been well-documented by scientists and even psychologists.
Your objectives
Many of us know that red often causes people to work faster which would in theory be good for productivity, but obviously a more subtle approach than that would be required to get the balance right when designing a colour scheme for the office.
Work out what you are looking for in each area of the office and consider creating a breakout area where you can use a bit of creative licence with the colour scheme to get the mood you are looking for.
You can get a range of suitable office furniture from a company such as Rapid Office Systems and then set to work to create the perfect background. Here is a look at some of the colours you might want to consider for different parts of the office depending on what your objectives are, and what their known attributes are.
Despite the fact that it is essentially a lighter shade of red, pink has a relaxing effect and can help reduce anxiety and aggressive behaviour. It combines well with some shades of green if you are looking for an effective mix that would be suited to a relaxation or breakout area.
This colour is specifically known for its calming properties due to the fact that blue has been shown to lower the heart rate and reduce blood pressure and some shades of blue such as turquoise are considered to be good for promoting good communication.
Soothing and relaxing, green is a good colour for anyone who is susceptible to anxiety but it would not be a good choice for a canteen area as green is supposed to curb your appetite.
There is actually a good reason why post-it notes are often printed in yellow, as it is a colour which is supposed to be good for memory as well as boosting levels of concentration and even helping with self-esteem.
Vibrant colours like red and orange are known to have a stimulating effect. If you are trying to achieve high cortical arousal then red is the colour to choose, but most of us would probably not want to work in an environment where the colour scheme promotes higher blood pressure simply because of the colour on the walls, so use red with due caution.
Shades of orange can have the effect of stimulating anyone exposed to the colour but despite its warming properties it can also stimulate your appetite, so it may not be the best choice for that reason.
While white can be viewed as a bit sterile it does have the ability to soften and illuminate other colours in the spectrum so it could be a good choice when combined with other influences to create just the right environment and atmosphere.
Choosing a colour scheme can be a bit of a puzzle with so many factors to consider, but get it right, and you will probably benefit from a happy and productive office.
Isabella Hardy is an interior designer. She primarily designs office spaces and blogs about ideas and insights into effective office design.
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