Yesterday was pure misery, I was hacked at 4:30am by some you-know-what in Italy. I did the cardinal sin – I didn’t do my upgrades! POW! BUB was found! I know I know, but it wasn’t my regular site, it was my host reseller management platform, I’m not on there often and we’re not all perfect. {hang head in shame}
My trusty HostGator was right on it and had me back online, but it was a bit of a mess. Hours spent pulling widgets back in, upgrades, changing passwords. It was a bad day for sure.
But when life gives you lemons…
I’ve been drooling over the latest Mobile Responsive Minimum Theme StudioPresss rolled out last week. – thanks Brian! So, at about 10pm last night I decide to just do it. I present to you a fresh new look for Eco-Office Gals! Take a look around, look on your mobile devices too – cause that’s what a mobile responsive design is all about!
There will be an all new portfolio page soon and there’s some tweaking still to be done, but if I start that this morning, my clients may hurt me! Hey, I pulled this off in about 4 hours – did I do decent?
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