Hey my EOG friends! Between the new redesign, my pneumonia & my aircard crashing I haven’t had much of an opportunity to promote this Tee Giveaway. So, Sean from GLI & I discussed running it for one more week before announcing the winner. The last entry date is now October 15th so be sure to get your entry in! Some of my have signed up for their newsletter, but never returned to put in your entry, so make sure you do that now! To make sure all entries are centralized, please leave your comments on the original post. Thanks!
Our fellow green bloggers over at Green Living Ideas are giving away an organic/sustainable cotton t-shirt to one of Eco-Office Gals readers simply for subscribing to their newsletter! All you have to do to be entered in the contest, which ends 2 weeks on October 8th, is register as a newsletter subscriber on their site and signup for their excellent Green Ideas monthly newsletter, and then post a comment below in Eco-Office
Gals blog post mentioning your GLI site username so they can confirm your new subscription and enter you in the contest. Winners will be announced in this thread in 2 weeks.
[Note: When registering on the site, be sure to check the newsletter signup option as shown on the screen shot]. Good Luck!
EcoOfficeGals (EcoOfficeGals) says
One week extension on T-shirt Giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/3zp22j