What does Eco-Office Gals recommend for your paperless/green office in 2009? Here’s a little list to help you grow your business green and more efficient in the New Year!
Echosign – a paperless contract program, you’ll love it and so will your clients!
HostGator – wind powered hosting with GREAT customer service!
BlogSites – get your Word Press blogsite up and running in 2009. Leave your static site in the dust!
Twitter – meet new clients on this great social media platform!
The Green Office – shop green for your business!
Google Docs – I will be trying out Google Docs in the New Year as a free alternative to MS Office. It’s great for file sharing!
FireFox – everyone NEEDS to make this switch! Microsoft does not own you!
These are a few on my list, what’s on yours? Share with us by leaving a comment below! All the Best in 2009!
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Rebecca Haden says
I love the idea of wind-powered hosting, and I’m using most of your other suggestions already. Let me add paperfree billing with SmartPay at http://www.gosmartpay.com and 37 Signals’ suite of paperfree productivity tools (including free TaDaList) at http://www.37signals.com.
With paper comprising 40% of the overall waste flow, a paperless office is a very laudable goal.
Rebecca Haden´s last blog post..SEO Website Redesign #2
Rebecca Haden says
I love the idea of wind-powered hosting, and I’m using most of your other suggestions already. Let me add paperfree billing with SmartPay at http://www.gosmartpay.com and 37 Signals’ suite of paperfree productivity tools (including free TaDaList) at http://www.37signals.com.
With paper comprising 40% of the overall waste flow, a paperless office is a very laudable goal.
Rebecca Haden´s last blog post..SEO Website Redesign #2
Aaron Fu says
Love your fresh suggestions Jen!
Especially those links to Wind-Powered Hosting and Paperless Contracts! Definitely hope more business make the switch!
Reckon these ideas are fantastic for home offices in particular but if you happen to own/rent your own commercial space, I believe a large part of greening efforts should focus on the office’s design (energy and material use)
One great example in the heart of New York City is this Bird Life Conservation organisation’s new HQ which achieved the highest possible grade from the US Green Building Council: http://tinyurl.com/78bkr7
Aaron Fu´s last blog post..A Flight to CleanTech?
Aaron Fu says
Love your fresh suggestions Jen!
Especially those links to Wind-Powered Hosting and Paperless Contracts! Definitely hope more business make the switch!
Reckon these ideas are fantastic for home offices in particular but if you happen to own/rent your own commercial space, I believe a large part of greening efforts should focus on the office’s design (energy and material use)
One great example in the heart of New York City is this Bird Life Conservation organisation’s new HQ which achieved the highest possible grade from the US Green Building Council: http://tinyurl.com/78bkr7
Aaron Fu´s last blog post..A Flight to CleanTech?
EcoOfficeGals (EcoOfficeGals) says
http://tinyurl.com/8e7sx7 Your Paperless & Green Office for 2009