In today’s era of escalating energy costs and climate change, energy efficiency is the most important aspect of greening your business. You can reap immediate savings by lowering your overall energy use and doing so will automatically reduce your business’s carbon emission footprint. You can also save money in the areas of waste reduction, equipment use, transportation, and building design. Here are 21 green business tips that you can institute quickly and easily in your own business:
1. Set a company policy to shut off all lights, machinery, and equipment when not in use, particularly on nights and weekends. Much equipment is idle and unused for up to 90 percent of its life. Simple inexpensive timer devices can be used to accomplish this task easily.
2. Install low-cost energy monitors that can provide an accurate display of the cost and energy use of individual equipment. Research shows that this step alone can lead to energy savings of up to 40 percent. See, for example,
3. Consider using energy-efficient power strips or surge protectors. The latest versions can be found with remote control shut-offs, main shut-offs that can power down peripheral equipment, and motion-detecting shut-offs.
4. Lighting can often account for up to 40 percent of energy costs for many businesses. Install motion-sensor and/or automatic dimming switches for all lighting to be certain that you are not inefficiently lighting areas when no one is present.
5. A very cost-effective upgrade is to replace all of your incandescent lighting with new compact fluorescent bulbs. Your older 1.5″ diameter fluorescent tube lighting should also be replaced with newer 1″ tubes and solid-state electronic ballasts.
6. Install programmable thermostats to automate your HVAC system and to significantly scale back your heating and cooling when your business is not in operation. About 6 months of energy savings generally pay the installation and cost of these units, an excellent return on your investment.
7. Use fans in your business. Comfort is a function of temperature, humidity, and air movement. Thermostat settings of 3 to 5 degrees higher can feel as comfortable with fans.
8. Upgrade the energy efficiency of your older equipment. Modern equipment is much more energy efficient, often with less than half the energy use of older equipment. High-efficiency upgrades for motors and drives for equipment, air compressors, lighting, and other energy-consuming equipment generally have rapid payback periods, often less than one year.
9. Always buy Energy Star qualified products for your business. The Energy Star label indicates the most efficient light bulbs, computers, printers, copiers, refrigerators, televisions, windows, thermostats, ceiling fans, and other appliances and equipment.
10. Travel and transportation costs have been rising rapidly as fuel costs increase. Efficiency in transportation is often an effective way to lower your energy costs. If your business has company-owned cars or a fleet of vehicles, consider purchasing vehicles that are hybrid whenever possible. Check for the latest information on hybrid vehicles.
11. If your company ships products or is a truck or rail company that delivers these products, look into the EPA SmartWay Transport Partnership. This is an innovative collaboration between EPA and the freight industry to increase energy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution. Hundreds of businesses are benefitting from this partnership. See
12. Develop a company-wide policy to eliminate unnecessary idling of truck engines. One way is by installing auxiliary power units that will heat or cool the truck when stopped, allowing the main engine to be shut down. Wal-Mart installed auxiliary power units on its 6,845 semi tractors and saved $22 million in 16 months.
13. Many areas in the U.S. are facing rising water and sewer costs. Better water efficiency can be attained with relatively simple and low-cost steps. For example, check your facility carefully for any water leaks. If feasible, shut off all water-using outlets and monitor your water meter. If meter is showing water input, you have leaks in your system. Locate and repair any such leaks.
14. Eliminate unnecessary wash-downs or cleaning. Install pressure reducing valves if necessary to reduce high water pressure. This can reduce water use when high-pressure water is unnecessary for a particular use.
15. Install low-flow showers, faucets, toilets, urinals, hose valves, etc. (Zero-water urinals, 1 gpf toilets, and .5 gmp faucets are all readily available. See, for example: Use Energy Star certified equipment whenever possible to insure the highest efficiency.
16. Computers and their peripherals consume a surprising amount of power. Consider using laptops as desktop computers. Laptops are far more energy efficient and can consume up to 80 percent less energy than equivalent desktops. Inkjet printers use 75 percent to 90 percent less energy than laser printers.
17. Turn your computers off when they are not needed. It does not harm modern computers to be turned on and off repeatedly. Enable power management modes on your computer. These features allow computers to go into lower-energy modes after a certain amount of time. Sleep modes can save up to 90 percent of the energy consumed.
18. Any waste that your company generates is an unnecessary cost. Waste is simply inefficient. Examine all waste generated by your business and look for ways any current waste products can be reused on-site or by other businesses,eliminated or radically reduced. Brainstorm with the employees who are involved in the generation of the waste for fresh ideas. Look for ways to alter your waste generation so that the waste produced can be reused.
19. You can incorporate green business practices into your supply chain by incorporating green specifications into bid or quote requirements where appropriate. For example, you can specify that products contain no hazardous chemicals, that they do contain post-consumer recycled content, or that all plastic components are not painted or varnished, or that all electronics equipment be Energy Star certified.
20. Your business facility itself can be a source of excellent energy savings. Plug all leaks in your building’s outer shell with weather stripping or caulking. Use expandable foam to fill any gaps. If you will be remodeling or building a new facility, check the LEED standards for the latest efficiency techniques. See the U.S. Green Building Council website,, for more information.
21. Consider developing a comprehensive green business plan for your business that encompasses energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, transportation, computing and equipment efficiency, building design, and the design and actual operation of your business. Energy savings of 30 percent are easy and cost-effective to achieve and can reach up to 75 percent with a diligent effort.
These tips have been excerpted from “Greening Your Business: The Hands-On Guide to Creating a Successful and Sustainable Business”, by Daniel Sitarz, published by EarthPress. This guide includes a CD with dozens of worksheets, spreadsheet programs, and additional information and is available for $29.95. Please see for additional information.
Thanks for sharing these tips with us.We really needs this.These tips are very helpful for us.You have done a good job by sharing this post with us.I really like this post.Keep in touch with us in future too.
That’s the great article! I just pass read it, two thumbs up!
Thanks for this awesome tips.
Thanks so much for the very nice write up! Jen. Something people often overlook is their lighting. Switching to energy saving bulbs saves a lot of money over the course of a year, and since they need replaced less it saves on bulbs and on maintenance. In a big office, that adds up fast!
Very nice set of useful business tips. I will use this article as my guide.
Hey Jan great tips. You really seem to know your stuff.
I have just upgraded our heating source in our home and although your tips relate to the work environment, I have managed to see how I can also apply some of your methods and thinking to my home. Reducing my bills each month is a priority for me and if by doing so I can use less energy AND reduce my carbon fotprint, then its a no brainer as far as i’m concerned. Thansk for this article. Great stuff.
Hey Jan great tips. You really seem to know your stuff.
I have just upgraded our heating source in our home and although your tips relate to the work environment, I have managed to see how I can also apply some of your methods and thinking to my home. Reducing my bills each month is a priority for me and if by doing so I can use less energy AND reduce my carbon fotprint, then its a no brainer as far as i’m concerned. Thansk for this article. Great stuff.
Another tip would be to encourage “tele-work”. If folks can do their work via computer from their home, even if it’s only one day per week, you can reduce travel emissions, and reduce energy costs at work (fewer lights on, less coffee, less microwave usage, less water usage).
.-= Matt@Railroad Track Repair´s last blog ..- TRAC is Accepting Resumes =-.
Another tip would be to encourage “tele-work”. If folks can do their work via computer from their home, even if it’s only one day per week, you can reduce travel emissions, and reduce energy costs at work (fewer lights on, less coffee, less microwave usage, less water usage).
.-= Matt@Railroad Track Repair´s last blog ..- TRAC is Accepting Resumes =-.
Hey man i love those green business tips! I just printed them out.
.-= Robert@HeatPump´s last blog ..Alternative Heat Pumps =-.
Hey man i love those green business tips! I just printed them out.
.-= Robert@HeatPump´s last blog ..Alternative Heat Pumps =-.
I totally agree with tip #1. In this way, we can really reduce more on our electricity consumptions and bills.
I totally agree with tip #1. In this way, we can really reduce more on our electricity consumptions and bills.
Reducing your energy consumption and increasing your energy efficiency is the first step you would want to take before considering an alternative energy system. For every $1 you spend on reducing your energy output, it’s estimated that you would reduce your cost for a renewable energy system by $3 to $5.
.-= CW@home made energy´s last blog ..PV Solar – Homeowner Analysis (6) =-.
Reducing your energy consumption and increasing your energy efficiency is the first step you would want to take before considering an alternative energy system. For every $1 you spend on reducing your energy output, it’s estimated that you would reduce your cost for a renewable energy system by $3 to $5.
.-= CW@home made energy´s last blog ..PV Solar – Homeowner Analysis (6) =-.
Nice job on the article. You really seem to know the details of this subject. I will have to bookmark this blog for future reference.
Nice job on the article. You really seem to know the details of this subject. I will have to bookmark this blog for future reference.
I see you are interested in global warming and everything else that comes with it. I would just like to share my disappointment at the outcome of the Copenhagen climate council. The summit was supposed to halt temperature rise by cutting greenhouse gases. But after two weeks of negotiating it ended in a weak political accord that does not force any country to reduce emissions and has no legal standing anyway. As a result the world is “one step closer to a humanitarian crisis”, according to the Royal Society. It looks like it is every man for themselves but if your far away neighbors don’t do anything to halt it, what is the point. Here in Scotland, Scottish Hydro has shown the way forward with supplying clean hydro electric power from sources like, hydro damns and wind turbine farms but is it all in vein? It could well be.
I see you are interested in global warming and everything else that comes with it. I would just like to share my disappointment at the outcome of the Copenhagen climate council. The summit was supposed to halt temperature rise by cutting greenhouse gases. But after two weeks of negotiating it ended in a weak political accord that does not force any country to reduce emissions and has no legal standing anyway. As a result the world is “one step closer to a humanitarian crisis”, according to the Royal Society. It looks like it is every man for themselves but if your far away neighbors don’t do anything to halt it, what is the point. Here in Scotland, Scottish Hydro has shown the way forward with supplying clean hydro electric power from sources like, hydro damns and wind turbine farms but is it all in vein? It could well be.
It sounds like good common sense to me. It is just that bad times makes people focus their attention a bit more.
Here are some other quick tips:
Cut out the dishwasher’s drying cycle. Put the washed dishes on dish racks to air dry.
Unplug battery chargers or cell phone chargers when they are not in use or when batteries are fully recharged.
If possible use alternative energy sources such as solar panels or wind energy.
.-= James @ Magnet Generator´s last blog ..Privacy Policy =-.
Here are some other quick tips:
Cut out the dishwasher’s drying cycle. Put the washed dishes on dish racks to air dry.
Unplug battery chargers or cell phone chargers when they are not in use or when batteries are fully recharged.
If possible use alternative energy sources such as solar panels or wind energy.
.-= James @ Magnet Generator´s last blog ..Privacy Policy =-.
Here’s another tip: There are “green” web servers that now run on 100% wind energy.
Here’s another tip: There are “green” web servers that now run on 100% wind energy.
I think it is smart to turn off the computers and printers and items with small lights at the end of the day when they won’t be used any more. The only electronic thing that should be left running like that is a fax machine and that is basically it. At least in my opinion.
I think it is smart to turn off the computers and printers and items with small lights at the end of the day when they won’t be used any more. The only electronic thing that should be left running like that is a fax machine and that is basically it. At least in my opinion.
I like the turn off the computers idea. It amazes me how many people leave their computer on overnight and burn all that energy. When you leave your office, turn off the light and turn off the computer@! Thanks for the post.
.-= Jill@Best Surge Protector´s last blog ..The Best Surge Protector For Your Home =-.
I like the turn off the computers idea. It amazes me how many people leave their computer on overnight and burn all that energy. When you leave your office, turn off the light and turn off the computer@! Thanks for the post.
.-= Jill@Best Surge Protector´s last blog ..The Best Surge Protector For Your Home =-.
What an awesome tip list – you can always count on Eco Office Gals for good info and more than the basic ideas. I realize that some of what I’m about to say might have been included in the book you excerpted from anyway, but my favourite no-fuss green contribution is in green power. Most companies have an option that costs you either a nominal fee per bill or a percentage of your power use, and you can say that you are contributing to renewable energy. Use it in your marketing – it would make a difference to me! Also look into the green roof phenomenon – makes the building a much nicer place generally and saves quite a bit of power.
What an awesome tip list – you can always count on Eco Office Gals for good info and more than the basic ideas. I realize that some of what I’m about to say might have been included in the book you excerpted from anyway, but my favourite no-fuss green contribution is in green power. Most companies have an option that costs you either a nominal fee per bill or a percentage of your power use, and you can say that you are contributing to renewable energy. Use it in your marketing – it would make a difference to me! Also look into the green roof phenomenon – makes the building a much nicer place generally and saves quite a bit of power.
These are all great tips, and can prove to really help. It’s amazing how much electricity is wasted from idle computers and unnecessary lights.
These are all great tips, and can prove to really help. It’s amazing how much electricity is wasted from idle computers and unnecessary lights.
These are some great tips. I have saved so much money by changing all the light bulbs to energy saving bulbs, installing a low-flow shower, increasing the temperature of the fridge and using power saving features (turning monitor and hard drive off after a short time).
These are some great tips. I have saved so much money by changing all the light bulbs to energy saving bulbs, installing a low-flow shower, increasing the temperature of the fridge and using power saving features (turning monitor and hard drive off after a short time).
Wow these are some the best tips I have found online when it comes to converting your business to go green. Thanks for all of the great information you rock!
Wow these are some the best tips I have found online when it comes to converting your business to go green. Thanks for all of the great information you rock!
Some great green tips from Eco-Office Gals!
I hope people read this and put some thought into how their business could be greener.
Some great green tips from Eco-Office Gals!
I hope people read this and put some thought into how their business could be greener.
If everyone followed step number 3, and turned their power units off everynight, they would save big!!!! And conserve huge amounts of energy and thus reducing our carbon footprint.
If everyone followed step number 3, and turned their power units off everynight, they would save big!!!! And conserve huge amounts of energy and thus reducing our carbon footprint.
Thanks, Eco-Office Gals. Great top 21! I would add a 22nd — web conferencing. The very nature of web conferencing is eco-friendly, as there is no travel involved, but I’m personally impressed with one web conference provider in particular — iLinc and its Green Meter that actually calculates the energy saving based on where each participant is in the world and how much carbon it would have emitted into the atmosphere if all of these people had traveled to facilitator’s host city. It’s worth a look. They have a free trial you can get at
Thanks, Eco-Office Gals. Great top 21! I would add a 22nd — web conferencing. The very nature of web conferencing is eco-friendly, as there is no travel involved, but I’m personally impressed with one web conference provider in particular — iLinc and its Green Meter that actually calculates the energy saving based on where each participant is in the world and how much carbon it would have emitted into the atmosphere if all of these people had traveled to facilitator’s host city. It’s worth a look. They have a free trial you can get at
Your post would make a great checklist for businesses that want to become more environmentally conscious.
Carla Alvarez´s last blog post..5 Easy Tips for Eco-Friendly Business Operations
Your post would make a great checklist for businesses that want to become more environmentally conscious.
Carla Alvarez´s last blog post..5 Easy Tips for Eco-Friendly Business Operations
I upgraded my HVAC last year and it has helped me on energy tremendously. I should make my money back in less than a year.
Jason´s last blog post..Titan LX-60 Paint Spray Gun
I upgraded my HVAC last year and it has helped me on energy tremendously. I should make my money back in less than a year.
Jason´s last blog post..Titan LX-60 Paint Spray Gun
Upgrading your HVAC system can potentially reduce your home’s energy consumption by 30 to 40%. With a new high-efficiency system and properly sealed duct work you could dramatically reduce or even eliminate utility increases.
Upgrading your HVAC system can potentially reduce your home’s energy consumption by 30 to 40%. With a new high-efficiency system and properly sealed duct work you could dramatically reduce or even eliminate utility increases.
21 Best Green Business Tips
RT @EcoOfficeGals: 21 Best Green Business Tips 21 Best Green Business Tips