Turn off the lights when you leave a room; turn down the thermostat; make sure the windows are shut. These are just three of the (many) ways we are encouraged, ad nauseam, to save energy in our homes and places of work.
However there are a whole host of different ways we can reduce our carbon footprint that you may find somewhat surprising. Read on as we explore three energy saving techniques you might not have heard about.
Stake Some Vampires
Hiding in every corner of your building, these vampires are feeding not on your blood, but on the power supply of your business.
Appliances such as television sets, mobile phone chargers, modems and wireless routers are the biggest offenders, and although they may not consume much power individually, added together they can add hundreds of pounds to your annual energy bill.
The best way to identify whether or not a device is a vampire is to feel it for warmth when it is not in use. An appliance not using energy will be cool to the touch, so if it does feel at all warm, make sure it is always unplugged when not in use.
Invest in Office Plants
It is essential for the productivity and wellbeing of your staff that they are able to work within a comfortable environment, and air conditioning is the most popular way of maintaining that environment. However there is a great natural alternative that won’t cost you a penny beyond the initial outlay.
Office plants are natural humidifiers, losing 90% of their water via a process called transpiration, and this leads to an office environment that feels noticeably cooler without the need for air conditioning while offering a number of other benefits including providing an attractive aesthetic that can improve the morale of your team.
Clean During the Day
By scheduling your cleaning staff to work during out of office hours you are extending the amount of time you require your workplace’s building systems to be turned on. Lighting, heating and air conditioning will be required after most of your team have gone home, so why not try and get as much done during the day as possible – as long as it is not too disruptive to the running of your business.
If this isn’t possible you could ask your cleaning team to cover one floor at a time, turning off lights etc. as they go, while you could also ask them to turn off electrical devices and ‘vampire’ appliances that have been left on accidentally.
Your battle against energy waste needn’t begin and end with the basics. Follow these three simple tips and you could soon see significant reductions in your energy bills above and beyond what you thought was possible.
This guest blog was written by John Rooney on behalf of Heaters Wholesale. Commercial heating from Heaters Wholesale can be used to significantly improve your energy efficiency.
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