This isn’t your typical Flaunt It! Monday people. This is something I ran across last night and it really deserves a HUGE Flaunt. So, today I am asking you to read this and take action. See how YOU can go out and Flaunt this innovative trip that will start in less then 24 hours.
Yesterday I was followed and asked for help by @ShockingBarak. I didn’t pay much attention at first until I was asked to RT. That’s when I went to their site and saw their mission. Now I know all of you remember the trip our auto mongrels took to our state capital to beg and plead for money to keep their doors open, right? Driving their hybrid SUV’s big enough to sleep my whole family comfortably? How can we forget? Shocking Barak hasn’t forgotten either and decided to show people the way it could have been done!
Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we’d like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. Having worked with Brammo, we’re fans of what they’re doing. We want to spread the word and we want to have a little fun while we’re doing it. So join us as we surf from plug to plug in a quest to meet Obama, fueled by nothing more than electricity and the kindness of everyday Americans.
The Brammo Motorcycle they refer to is a light weight, mass produced, 100% electric motorcycle. It produces no emissions, no noise pollution, is made from recycled parts and can be recycled. Read more…
So, in itself a very innovative idea right? So, what can you do to help? Are you in the path they are taking from Detroit, MI to Washington, DC? Can they swing by and charge up? Can they crash for the night and enjoy your company? Can you provide them with a homegrown or local meal or snack?
Oh yah, the biggie, they need us to reach out to President Obama. So, if you happen to know someone, that knows someone… or maybe we can all just make some noise!
If you are not on their trip route, like me, there are still ways you can help! Tweet or Facebook the trip and the mission! Show your support by blogging about it. Maybe even buy a few Carbon Credits to help offset the emissions to charge the vehicles? I’m just thinking off the top of my head early this Monday morning. I’m sure there are many ways you can help if you are close by or far away. That is why I am here to tell you about it! So get out there, and make this viral, or comment below with thoughts on how we can help, or tell us what you are going to do to help!
I have not been asked to post about this, I am not being paid to post about this, I just love the idea and want to share & support. I hope you will too!
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