As the end of 2013 approaches we start to plan for a new year of business ahead. The New Year brings new clients, new projects, new workloads and new challenges. We are all now fully aware of the need to keep our businesses Green and work in harmony with our environment. Sometimes as we enter a busy period of business we can easily forget to keep our environmentally friendly approach to working. But making a conscious effort, even when your workload seems mammoth, will be of great benefit for our world’s Eco Systems.
If you tend to think that going Green will involve huge changes then think again. Often it is small changes made by individuals in our office and these can make a massive difference. For example, if you have to print a number of documents in order to distribute to others, make sure you produce only one at first. Check this and then print out the exact number you will need for the exact amount of people you will be giving it to. This sounds patronising, however throughout my years of working in an office, experience has shown me that many employees do not follow this simple rule and end up printing hundreds of documents that just get wasted. Paper wastage is to be avoided at all cost so make sure your team implement and remind each other of the simple changes they can make and if at all possible, go paperless in 2014.
Has your business taken part in Green Office Week yet? Why not plan now to get fully involved for next year and reap the positive impact it will have on your team. Green Office Week has raised awareness with thousands of businesses across the country since it was established in 2009. The week focuses on 5 different environment issues over the 5 working days, these are as follows:-
Monday – Energy (The reduction of Office energy consumed)
Tuesday – Transport (Using Greener transportation, cycle to work or take the tram)
Wednesday – Waste (The 3 R’s are encouraged, Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle)
Thursday – Purchasing (Promoting environmentally friendly products and services)
Friday – Innovation (The sharing of ideas between workers on how to stay Green)
The lessons learned in Green Office week will carry on and make your business better for the environment so plan now to have a full share and see what a difference it makes to your work place. Green Office week 2014 should take part countrywide around the month of May.
Along with such practical steps above and the small changes we can make to work along with Eco friendly promotions, we can all play a part. Think of cleaning materials, usage of electrical items, light switches, light bulbs, food ordered for employee lunches, use of outdoor space, and the list could go on and on. Why not consider using managed IT services, such as those provided by, to bring down costs and make your business greener? Many of these offer businesses technical expertise that can make a huge difference to your team and produce the greatest efficiency and productivity of your business.
So make sure you go green and keep environmentally clean in 2014!
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