July 11
I hope all of you will take a minute to really reflect on how you can use your small business as a tool to help our environment. I encourage you to patner with Eco-Office Gals to make the educated steps towards making a difference and encouraging others to do the same. Some may think this whole green thing is just a fad, but I think the we will find very quickly that it is going to take extreme measures and the loss of many of our everyday luxuries in order to stop counteracting the efforts of the rest of the world. Some of you will find your breaking point, others will just be forced as laws or mandates are enforced.
I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to grow green, sure I recycled a little here and there… that was about it. It took a life changing event to wake me up.
My breaking point came at the death of my best friend of about 19 years. It happened to her 6 months ago at the age of 32. Colon cancer had eaten her insides and no one knew it until she had an emergency c-section and the air exposure gave the cancer the life it needed to finish her off. They said years of exposure to growth hormones with pregnancies, depo vera shots and birth control was a constant steroid for this cancer. After I watched this horrible cancer eat her to death in a few months, that was my breaking point. I started to think about the food I was feeding my family. Even if we aren’t feeding our bodies with hormones in a bottle, everything we eat has been loaded up with them! It really scared me. As I continued to research I really started to become aware of the everyday products I was using in my house, on my skin, even the chlorine bleached feminine products I was using. Trying to be more aware of the environment and my own family just kinda grew like the cancer that took my best friend.
I don’t know if anything would’ve made a difference in the final outcome of my dearest friend, that is a “what if” story that will never be written, but it has made a difference in me. If anyone is interested, her mother-in-law wrote a touching poem about her last days when we were just begging her to go, she fought so hard.
This is where my green roots started I just hope that some of you will take this to heart. Growing green is NOT a fad, it’s not something cool to do. It may be the only thing that saves this earth, it may be the only thing that saves you.
I hope you will decide to grow green with me. We all need to encourage each other!
My breaking point came at the death of my best friend of about 19 years. It happened to her 6 months ago at the age of 32. Colon cancer had eaten her insides and no one knew it until she had an emergency c-section and the air exposure gave the cancer the life it needed to finish her off. They said years of exposure to growth hormones with pregnancies, depo vera shots and birth control was a constant steroid for this cancer. After I watched this horrible cancer eat her to death in a few months, that was my breaking point. I started to think about the food I was feeding my family. Even if we aren’t feeding our bodies with hormones in a bottle, everything we eat has been loaded up with them! It really scared me. As I continued to research I really started to become aware of the everyday products I was using in my house, on my skin, even the chlorine bleached feminine products I was using. Trying to be more aware of the environment and my own family just kinda grew like the cancer that took my best friend.
I don’t know if anything would’ve made a difference in the final outcome of my dearest friend, that is a “what if” story that will never be written, but it has made a difference in me. If anyone is interested, her mother-in-law wrote a touching poem about her last days when we were just begging her to go, she fought so hard.
This is where my green roots started I just hope that some of you will take this to heart. Growing green is NOT a fad, it’s not something cool to do. It may be the only thing that saves this earth, it may be the only thing that saves you.
I hope you will decide to grow green with me. We all need to encourage each other!
hey jen this is surely a great step.Good jOb
hey jen this is surely a great step.
Good jOb