July 10
As a green VA I am always trying to find new ways to make my clients less paper dependent. This week I found a gold mine! A while back I ran into Echosign, I had signed up for their free option, but never had any reason to use it. This week I had 2 reasons! Two customers were interested in ad space on my Eco-Biz Opps page and I needed to send a letter of agreement. So, I tried it out – I uploaded the word doc onto EchoSign then I picked all my options, e-signed and sent. My customers also e-signed and we recieved an email wih the e-signed document attached! BAM!! Saved it on the computer and that’s it!! I NEVER PRINTED ONE SHEET OF PAPER!! To follow up with my eco-friendly contract signing, I billed them through PayPal – no paper invoice, no paper checks. We completed a totally paperless transacton from first to last. Can it get any easier??! Visit Eco-Office Gals often for all of your green office resources! 

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