Going green isn’t exactly easy to do by your lonesome. Few of us are experts in the fields of energy innovation, nor do we have the skills to assess our individual circumstances and lifestyles and come to practical conclusions about how to save energy. Sure we can make the switch to CFLs, carpool three days out of the week, and properly insulate our homes, but in many cases the biggest contributors to our carbon footprint are ignored in favor of these more apparent and easier issue to tackle. The result is a whole lot of good intentions that unfortunately do not equate to a whole lot of difference being made.
In order to get the right idea about your own carbon footprint and ways to lessen its size, take advantage of resources available to you online. In particular, utilize the following four calculators that can make it easier to determine how to go about leading a greener life:
Household Emissions Calculator: This handy tool provided by the Environmental Protection Agency estimates your household emissions based on the data you enter and provides you with possible solutions to lower these levels. It breaks it down in both a dollars perspective and an emissions perspective, which comes handy for those who can’t help but calculate the cost benefits of green living.
Fuel Economy Calculator: Choosing the most fuel efficient vehicle you can afford is easier than using Anywho’s reverse phone number finder thanks to the fuel economy calculator provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. Every car is cataloged, from the ’57 Chevy to the 2012 Toyota Prius. Say goodbye to the days of the gas guzzler!
Home Energy Saver Calculator: Utilizing a whole range of data from your zip code to the age of your home to the price of your current kilowatt hour of electricity, the Home Energy Saver Calculator gives you a concise formula for ways to save on energy. As user Nick Wilder said: “It is one government service that makes paying taxes worthwhile.”
Carbon Footprint Calculator: The only one not available through a government agency, this incredibly detailed service featured on the Nature Conservancy website calculates your entire carbon footprint. In addition to such specifics as estimated air travel, the Carbon Footprint Calculator also factors in your dietary habits, an often overlooked aspect of our impact on the environment.
You don’t have to attempt going green alone. In fact it’s probably in both your best interest and the best interest of the planet if you don’t. Take advantage of all the free information that exists online, but particularly the useful eco-friendly calculators that make going green a lot easier and a lot more effective.
Alex S. is a freelance writer who has a passion for being eco-friendly, in addition enjoys learning about business and technology.
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